
For the greater good…

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This article comes from “afinalwarning.com” Several years ago while working in Germany I visited the Dachau Concentration Camp. I will tell you if you ever get the opportunity to do so, I highly recommend it. Not because it is a tourist attraction, but because it is about our history – a history we never want

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For the greater good… Read More »

World Economic Forum pushing for Great Reset through a “cyber-attack with COVID-like characteristics”

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This article comes from “afinalwarning.com“ The World Economic Forum (WEF) is an international non-governmental organization supposedly dedicated to improving the world through business, politics and academia. Recently, it has been delving into the world of cybersecurity. In reality, the WEF is pushing for a Great Reset using a “cyber-attack with COVID-like characteristics.” The WEF has

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World Economic Forum pushing for Great Reset through a “cyber-attack with COVID-like characteristics” Read More »

Are you ready to become a ‘digital asset’ of the globalists’ Great Reset?

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This article comes from “afinalwarning.com“ Few are aware of it but the digitalization of the human race is advancing at break-neck speed. (Article republished from LeoHohmann.com) Don’t look now but the world is racing down a path that has been interlaid with landmines of control and surveillance and yet almost no Western politician of any party seems concerned

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Are you ready to become a ‘digital asset’ of the globalists’ Great Reset? Read More »