Delaware Troopers Lose Federal Lawsuit After Taking Man’s “RADAR AHEAD” Sign

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If there is one thing that egotistical “order-followers” hate is an American exercising his or her freedom of speech. It really bruises their ego if that person is also warning other fellow Americans about the law enforcers “roadside piracy” that is robbing people of what little money they have left.

This man, in the video below, was legally parked and warning motorists of a speed trap ahead. The “storm troopers” of Delaware could not let “one of the “peasants” think that he had any freedom of speech and showed their tyrannical mindset by stealing the man’s sign that he was holding.

Then the man gave them the middle finger as he drove away and that was like lighting a match to gasoline! These ego-driven fools in costumes could not let that go. They had to drive in excess of 100mph and endangering others to pull him over and threaten him with arrest for exercising his freedom to tell them what he thought of them. Then the dashcam footage shows them conspiring to come up with a way to press charges against him, take his dog, and child!

If you have not figured it out over the past three years that law enforcers are some of the most evil people on the planet then you are still brain washed by years of indoctrination telling you that they are the hero’s and you must obey their “authority”.

Here is the first video where Brian, from “Here’s The Deal”, shows us what happened:

Here is the second video about the man winning a lawsuit against the state of Delaware:

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