How Propaganda Keeps The Sheep Grazing In Slavery…

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What is the foundation of your decision making? What underlying force influences your life goals? What determines what you will stand for? For me the answer is my principles and morals. Unfortunately we live in a world where so many peoples decisions are influenced by propaganda. So many are conformists instead of moralists. They are still in the “cult of personality” while all of that propaganda is being used to enslave them and future generations.

I am usually the last person someone would want to strike up a conversation with and that’s because I question everything. I do not accept things “just because” it is society’s norm. Most people that I come across, on a daily basis, don’t really want the truth. They just want constant reassurance that what they believe is the truth. Most do not even want freedom. They want to feel safe. They want to know someone else is in charge.

If people don’t want to be slaves, why do they put up with it? If they are offered a life of truth and freedom, which is dangerous by nature, they don’t want it. They will take the comfortable lie over the uncomfortable truth every time. I am reminded of the quote by Samuel Adams ~ “If you love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom – go home from us in peace. We ask not of your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!

Why do most people come home, after a day of work, plop down on the couch, and turn on the propaganda coming in the form of mainstream news, sports, netflix, or the countless stupid commercials? If they want to escape the tyranny that bestows them then why are they not gaining knowledge about the actual thing that enslaves them? It’s because they want to be “numbed” from the truth. The truth is just too hard to bear and that is what all of the globalist tyrants want them to do. Just keep “slurping the kool-aid” and think that everything is going to be okay. Then they wake up one day only to discover that they cannot travel more than 15 minutes from their homes. They cannot eat meat. They do not have their firearms. They have went from the “subtle slavery” into downright “brutal slavery”. The sad thing is that when people realize this “brutal slavery”, they are now living in, it will be too late.

There are people in my life that will never escape the mechanisms of propaganda. Those people will tell me things such as “oh it will never happen during my lifetime….” Think about what they are revealing about themselves when they say such. They are essentially saying that they do not care about “it” happening after they die. They are saying that as long as it does not interfere with their lives, they do not care what the generations after them have to endure.

The main people that do not care about the future generations are the “bad” law enforcers. They are some of the biggest victims of propaganda. They are most certainly conformists and not moralists. They are the “teeth” for the power hungry tyrants who use propaganda to manipulate the masses. What kind of person wants the authority to man handle, taze, cuff, or shoot and kill another human being? A psychopath does. Now think about how propaganda has been used for so long to prop up law enforcers as “the heroes”. I was a victim of that same propaganda when I chose to become a law enforcer. I got a hold of myself when I started seeing the true inner workings of law enforcement propaganda and I walked away. I now try to wake up society to the tyrannical things that “bad” law enforcers do, as well as show what propaganda is doing to humanity.

If you get anything from this post I hope it is that you realize propaganda has been used throughout all of humanity in order to dupe the masses into their own enslavement and to pass that same propaganda on to their children. Let this be the day that you decide to break the spell of propaganda. Realize that freedom is risky. Slavery is peaceful, until it holds you down and waterboards you. Speak the truth without fear of pissing others off. Truth is a great disinfectant. It will show you who your real friends and family are. Spend each day gaining knowledge about the propaganda being used against humanity and pass it on to others.

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