We deserve everything that is happening to us in America right now. Why? Because we stood by and let it happen like a bunch of damn sheep! You may be asking well why don’t you practice what you preach? I do. I live my life with the mindset of rebellion not submission. Just think if all the sheeple decided to become wolves. Too many sheeple love their luxuries of life. The things that have been sold to you in order to pacify you. If you don’t use your muscles, you lose them. The same thing is true about freedom! There is strength in numbers. They know this and that is exactly why they continue to do everything they can to keep us fighting among ourselves and not seeing what they are doing right before our eyes. Watch and listen to this video below talking about mass surveillance. In the video he uses a different country, but he is really talking about our country and worldwide. It will be used against us as they start their “contact tracing” bullshit. Let the last words said at the end of the video really sink in. WAKE UP SHEEPLE!