Fellow Americans, there is a House Bill called “HR 6666” of all names. This bill, if passed, will set the stage for medical martial law. It will usher in police state tactics like no one has ever lived in on American soil. This bill is designed to allow government agents to enter your residence and “test” you for this made up plandemic. This is a direst attack on the fourth amendment and your right to privacy. During this testing there is no idea what they will put into your body. They can manipulate the test results, as they have, and then unjustly quarantine anyone that they choose to. These government tyrants do not care about any person’s rights. They come up with the craziest things to impose there will onto Americans. The best defense for this kind of tyranny is to stay alert and vigilant. Read this bill and do your part to let these tyrants know that we will not comply with our rights being stripped away!
I am here today to tell as many people as possible that an attack on our freedom absolutely exists! It is my hope and goal to try to wake up as many “sheeple” that I can before it’s too late. Please share wakeupsheeple.net with many others. If we don’t stand together, we will hang separately……..