Andrew Cuomo has proven in 2020 that he is a complete moron. For Thanksgiving in 2020 he has stipulated some of the most ridiculous orders. There are several sheriff’s that have come forward and said that they would not enforce these unconstitutional edicts. Listen to what Cuomo had to say about law enforcement officers that choose not to follow his every command. He even calls them dictators!? He is the dictator! Let me remind you that a real law enforcement officer that swore an oath to the constitution will not carry out orders that are unconstitutional. If they do they are nothing more than puppets for the tyrants! Laws are nothing more than the opinions of politicians and the politicians would be powerless if all law enforcers said no to their crazy edicts.
He goes on to say if you act irresponsible by having too many people in your house then you are placing others at risk. Then he starts with the “CONVID19” numbers. People, did America do these crazy things about tuberculosis? Hell no we didn’t!
This moron is out of his damn mind!