To all Trump supporters I hate to drop a “black pill” on you, but there is no savior coming to save anyone. The “selection” played out exactly the way the “puppet masters” wanted it to. As hard as it is to fathom, I do believe that after January 20, 2021 America will descend into the same environment as communist china. The freedoms and liberties that so many Americans have taken for granted for so long, are going to be stripped away at a much faster pace. We deserve it for we have become too lazy, too complacent, and basically we do not appreciate our freedoms. Get ready for a “social credit scoring system” that mimics china. Just like the saying goes “don’t know what you got till it’s gone” people will learn what life is like without their sacred freedom. Don’t let the illusion of hope keep you from seeing reality. I for one, will not live as a slave to communism. I will do whatever I have to, when the time comes.