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I have said it many times before that I have always been intrigued by technology. I have worked in it, used it, and to some degree, enjoyed it. However, I was vigilant enough to see, at the beginning stages of the internet, that technology could be used as a means of control. That’s one of the reasons I never fell for social media. I do not believe in using technology for friendship, relationships, or really any “social interaction”. I believe social interactions should be face to face.

I am not “tied” to a smartphone in a sense that I have to have it in order to receive social interactions. I use the smartphone as a tool. That goes for really any technology. I am fortunate enough to have been raised in a time when today’s technology did not exist. There are lines that I draw when it comes to technology, because I clearly see how it is being used to manipulate humanity for the elites. I truly believe we need to “go backwards to go forward”. If we blindly continue down the road that “they” are paving for us, we will most certainly be their slaves.

Here is David Icke discussing how they are using technology and A.I against the human body and conscious.

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