
Eight-year-old boy whose school has a 5G tower develops “severe” headaches likely caused by cellular radiation, study determines

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This article comes from “naturalnews.com” A peer-reviewed study published in the journal Annals of Clinical Case Studies reveals that 5G wireless technology might not be as safe as the government and wireless industry claim it is. The paper explains how an eight-year-old boy who started attending school near a 5G tower suddenly and out of nowhere developed “severe” headaches that debilitated

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Eight-year-old boy whose school has a 5G tower develops “severe” headaches likely caused by cellular radiation, study determines Read More »

Woman Living Near Cell Tower Diagnosed With 51 Strokes

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From “childrenshealthdefense.org” In 2007, Marcia and Jason Haller — high school sweethearts who met in Duluth, Minnesota — bought their dream property north of Duluth to peacefully live close to nature and Marcia’s family. Little did they know then that American Towers, AT&T and T-Mobile would soon build a cell tower just 900 feet from their

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Woman Living Near Cell Tower Diagnosed With 51 Strokes Read More »

Dr. Lee Merritt discusses the effects of EMF exposure on the Merritt Medical Hour

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This article comes from “naturalnews.com” The Medical Rebel Dr. Lee Merritt touched on the effects of electromagnetic frequency (EMF) on the Oct. 18 episode of the “Merritt Medical Hour” on Brighteon.TV. She began the show by pointing out that two industries – the vaccine industry and the telecommunications industry – cannot be sued for medical effects. Merritt also

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Dr. Lee Merritt discusses the effects of EMF exposure on the Merritt Medical Hour Read More »

Whistleblower Exposes Globalist Plans to Use Wireless Networks for Tracking and Controlling the Population Through Viral Infections

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From “infowars.com” We are living through a technocratic takeover. Todd Callender joins guest host Maria Zeee on The Alex Jones Show to break down the information obtained in discovery regarding the use of wireless networks to track and trace the public through viral infection. (The interview with Todd Callender starts at 22:26 in the video below.)

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Whistleblower Exposes Globalist Plans to Use Wireless Networks for Tracking and Controlling the Population Through Viral Infections Read More »

Want to know what’s REALLY in COVID jabs? WATCH as Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger explains

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#DoNotComply This article comes from “naturalnews.com” There is still a lot of confusion out there about what Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccines” actually are – hence why the word “vaccines,” in this context, is in quotes. And here this week on the Health Ranger Report to discuss in further detail what these injections actually are was

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Want to know what’s REALLY in COVID jabs? WATCH as Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger explains Read More »

Clues for removing GRAPHENE OXIDE and other dangerous COVID “vaccine” ingredients from your body

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This article comes from “naturalnews.com” There has been a lot of talk lately about the hidden graphene oxide component of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccines” and how it interacts with, and is even activated by, electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) such as 5G – but do not panic: there are ways to rid your body of the stuff naturally. Even if you

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Clues for removing GRAPHENE OXIDE and other dangerous COVID “vaccine” ingredients from your body Read More »