2nd Amendment


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Sheriff Richard Mack joins SGT Report to dissect the absolute treachery of Joe Biden and his administration, the fallacy of vaccine “mandate”, and the role of Constitutional sheriffs as the last line of defense against tyranny. Support & join:https://cspoa.org/

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Democrats demand photo ID to buy ammunition, but refuse to support ID to vote

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This article comes from “afinalwarning.com” This may sound controversial to many but it’s true: The U.S. Constitution guaranteed, and protected, the right “to keep and bear” firearms, but it did not convey a universal right to vote. Voting rights came initially to whites only and did not include women. Black slaves weren’t even counted as

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Democrats demand photo ID to buy ammunition, but refuse to support ID to vote Read More »

Help stop the biggest gun grab in American history

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This article comes from “afinalwarning.com“ On June 7th, ATF published a new notice of proposed rulemaking on its website entitled Factoring Criteria for Firearms with Attached “Stabilizing Braces”. The proposed rule was published in the Federal Register on June 10th, 2021, giving interested parties until September 8th, 2021 to file comments. (Article by NRAHQ republished from AmmoLand.com) The rule seems aimed at

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Help stop the biggest gun grab in American history Read More »

RED ALERT: Deranged tyrant nominated to head ATF says anyone uttering “hate speech” online should have all their guns confiscated by armed federal agents

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This article comes from “afinalwarning.com“ One of the problems with having Marxists in the White House is that they tend to choose left-wing extremists to serve the administration, and that is certainly the case when it comes to David Chipman, the man the Biden regime has nominated to serve as director of the Bureau of

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RED ALERT: Deranged tyrant nominated to head ATF says anyone uttering “hate speech” online should have all their guns confiscated by armed federal agents Read More »

With the CCP now controlling everything, Americans are living under foreign ENEMY occupation

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From “The Health Ranger” at Natural News This article comes from “afinalwarning.com“ What most people don’t yet understand is that they’re no longer living in “America.” What used to be America is now a nation under enemy occupation, ruled by authoritarian tyrants who were installed through election fraud and whose loyalty rests with the CCP

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With the CCP now controlling everything, Americans are living under foreign ENEMY occupation Read More »

RED ALERT: Biden regime makes boldest move in history of America to ban, register firearms using federal bureaucracy

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This article comes from “afinalwarning.com“ When Democratic presidential contenders like Beto O’Rourke say they are going after our guns, they mean it. When Democratic presidential contenders say they are pro-Second Amendment and pro-Constitution, they are lying. Both of these facts have been proven anew thanks to a heinous new rule introduced this week by the

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RED ALERT: Biden regime makes boldest move in history of America to ban, register firearms using federal bureaucracy Read More »

Glock wins (and Biden loses) in major liability suit

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This article comes from “afinalwarning.com“ God didn’t deliver for President Joe Biden, who recently begged “the Lord” to help him erase the congressionally approved immunity that gun-makers have from lawsuits. (Article by Paul Bedard republished from WashingtonExaminer.com) In a little-noticed decision with a major impact on the firearms industry, a federal judge in Arizona has ruled in

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Glock wins (and Biden loses) in major liability suit Read More »