Big Brother Surveillance

CREEPY Bill Gates strikes again: Windows 10 secretly listens to everything you say and records all your keystrokes with hidden keylogger that uploads to Microsoft…

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This article comes from ““ Hidden inside Microsoft’s Windows 10 operating system software is a keylogger spyware module that records the keystrokes and voices of users and sends this private data straight to the mother ship. Another creepy “feature” of a software platform that was originally designed by billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates, the Windows 10 keylogger add-on […]

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CREEPY Bill Gates strikes again: Windows 10 secretly listens to everything you say and records all your keystrokes with hidden keylogger that uploads to Microsoft… Read More »

Same IBM that partnered with Adolf Hitler to help run the Holocaust now partnering with Moderna to install Vaccine Passports.

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This article comes from ““ When an evil is ignored or accepted as normal, when justice is not properly served, history ultimately has a way of repeating itself, beckoning that evil to resurface again. If not confronted, its curse will remain. The International Business Machines Corporation (IBM), an American multinational technology company, is now partnering

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Same IBM that partnered with Adolf Hitler to help run the Holocaust now partnering with Moderna to install Vaccine Passports. Read More »

Bank of America now acting as government intelligence agency.

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This article comes from ““ Prior to the Biden regime, the U.S. government had 17 bonafide intelligence agencies spread across the Justice Department, the Department of Homeland Security, the U.S. military and the Intelligence Community. But now, it looks like we can add an 18th agency: Bank of America. In recent days, Fox News’ Tucker

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Bank of America now acting as government intelligence agency. Read More »

Amazon Delivery Vans With ‘Roaming Eyes’ Cameras…

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This article comes from “The Defender“ Fight For the Future, a digital rights group, says that beyond fueling the expansion of the police surveillance state, these cameras mean that even if you don’t use Amazon you — and your kids — are going to be in Amazon’s system, being monitored and targeted. In what one

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Amazon Delivery Vans With ‘Roaming Eyes’ Cameras… Read More »