Bill Gates

Know Thy Enemy…

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Sun Tzu knew the importance of not only knowing oneself, but to also know your enemy. Without knowing yourself and your enemy you are destined to lose the war. This war that we are in right now, fighting to preserve our freedoms and liberties are under attack by the “technocrats” of the world. They are […]

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Know Thy Enemy… Read More »

BOMBSHELL: Gates Foundation, DARPA funding self-replicating, weaponized vaccine technology that began under Apartheid, to exterminate Blacks… and now it’s powering the covid vax

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This article comes from ““  Bombshell story synopsis: Research on race-specific, self-replicating (self-spreading), weaponized vaccines was being conducted by doctors and scientists under the Apartheid regime in the 1990s, with the goal of causing self-spreading infertility and deaths among Blacks. This same research continues today, predominantly in the United States, funded by DARPA and the

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BOMBSHELL: Gates Foundation, DARPA funding self-replicating, weaponized vaccine technology that began under Apartheid, to exterminate Blacks… and now it’s powering the covid vax Read More »

The “Game Plan” Of What We Have Been Living In…

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There has been a 2017 document, made by “The John Hopkins Center For Health Security”, named “SPARS Pandemic Scenario 2025-2028”. Inside this 89 page document is a very detailed script of what we have been dealing with for the past year. Everything from what the media should say, to play by play scenarios regarding this

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The “Game Plan” Of What We Have Been Living In… Read More »

At what point do we realize Bill Gates is dangerously insane?

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This article comes from ““ This isn’t an overreaction to Gates’ latest foray into the news cycle. It’s an observation based on a long pattern of statements and behavior by the founder of Microsoft and one of the richest men who has ever lived which, were any of us normal people guilty of them, would

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At what point do we realize Bill Gates is dangerously insane? Read More »

Are you ready to become a ‘digital asset’ of the globalists’ Great Reset?

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This article comes from ““ Few are aware of it but the digitalization of the human race is advancing at break-neck speed. (Article republished from Don’t look now but the world is racing down a path that has been interlaid with landmines of control and surveillance and yet almost no Western politician of any party seems concerned

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Are you ready to become a ‘digital asset’ of the globalists’ Great Reset? Read More »

GAVI Vaccine Alliance: The source of terror behind global lockdowns and vaccine coercion…

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This article comes from ““ The World Health Organization (WHO) is facilitating a global health dictatorship, commanding all member states to enforce totalitarian lock downs and far-reaching medical edicts that empower government authorities and the vaccine industry – not human health. WHO’s authoritarian recommendations were adopted in rapid fashion by almost every government on Earth. The

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GAVI Vaccine Alliance: The source of terror behind global lockdowns and vaccine coercion… Read More »

CREEPY Bill Gates strikes again: Windows 10 secretly listens to everything you say and records all your keystrokes with hidden keylogger that uploads to Microsoft…

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This article comes from ““ Hidden inside Microsoft’s Windows 10 operating system software is a keylogger spyware module that records the keystrokes and voices of users and sends this private data straight to the mother ship. Another creepy “feature” of a software platform that was originally designed by billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates, the Windows 10 keylogger add-on

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CREEPY Bill Gates strikes again: Windows 10 secretly listens to everything you say and records all your keystrokes with hidden keylogger that uploads to Microsoft… Read More »