Bill Gates


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Here is an important video discussing what theses vaccines are designed to do to humans.This is a planned roll out of a series of control measures.They were not satisfied with the control they have with the smartphones, so this is the next step.If we allow this, there is no coming back.Please watch and share.

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“CONVID19”- Think About It…

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This “psyop” that is being done worldwide is hard for the average person, that does not do a lot of research, to understand. Here is Steve from “Think About It” talking about it. He references this document called “Communist Coercive Methods Compared To COVID-19 Lockdown Measures”. Too Many Americans Do Not THINK ABOUT IT….

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Bill Gates Denies Talking About Digital Vaccine Passports…

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During the summer of 2020 Bill Gates admitted, on video, about his plan to have all humans to have “digital vaccine passports” before being allowed to travel. Now he denies saying this. He and his allies have been trying to delete this video across the web. If you come across the video today you will

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Bill Gates Denies Talking About Digital Vaccine Passports… Read More »

Only The Sheep Are Stupid Enough To Get The Vaccine…

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The sheep can’t wait to get the Bill Gates “Final Solution” cocktail plunged into their veins. They turn off their critical thinking and just be compliant slaves. They will argue that “oh no one’s forcing me to take it, I’m doing it on my own free will”. They are being forced, through mental manipulation, school

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Only The Sheep Are Stupid Enough To Get The Vaccine… Read More »

How You Should Be Handled If You Don’t Comply…

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These idiots out there that think that every human should get this “CONVID19” vaccine really want to make the people who don’t comply a living hell. They will insist that corporations push their agenda to the point that your life basically grinds to a halt. If they play that game every American should boycott the

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How You Should Be Handled If You Don’t Comply… Read More »

Ready For The “Death Injection”?

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Why on earth are people begging for the “injection of death”? Why can’t these people do their own research and see that our bodies have their own defense system? You do know that these evil vaccine companies do not have any liability for these vaccines. If corporations and businesses start “requiring” that we have our

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Ready For The “Death Injection”? Read More »

Do Not “Acquiesce”…

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Why do so many people “acquiesce” when it comes to control? Meaning why do they give in and accept something without questioning it, protesting, and ultimately fighting against it? I believe it’s because so many have been “conditioned” to always take the easy road. They have been trained since childhood to believe in “fantasy role

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