
Dr. Peter McCullough Exposes Bill Gates’ Plan For Next Lockdown & The Truth About Monkeypox

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This article comes from “infowars.com” Monkeypox outbreak coincides with UN and WHO’s declaration of Pandemic Treaty takeover of all national sovereignty under the auspices of public health. Dr. Peter McCullough author John Leake join The Alex Jones Show to break down the true dangers of the monkeypox amid outbreak hysteria generated by the media and the World Health Organization.

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Dr. Peter McCullough Exposes Bill Gates’ Plan For Next Lockdown & The Truth About Monkeypox Read More »

World Health Organization’s pandemic treaty spells DOOM for democracy

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This article comes from “citizens.news” The World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Economic Forum (WEF) continue their assault on democracy as they begin a weeklong meeting Sunday, May 22, in Geneva, Switzerland. They seek to establish a pandemic treaty, which was recommended at a special session on December 1 last year by the World Health Assembly (WHA) – the decision-making

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World Health Organization’s pandemic treaty spells DOOM for democracy Read More »

WHO unveils tyrannical amendments in the name of health emergency preparedness

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This article comes from “citizens.news” The World Health Organization (WHO) is set to vote on some amendments to global health regulations that will take away the sovereignty of member nations, including the United States – all in the name of health emergency preparedness. President Joe Biden and his administration are actually supporting these amendments that would essentially hand

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WHO unveils tyrannical amendments in the name of health emergency preparedness Read More »