CDC unveils Orwellian terminology change: “Vaccinated” will no longer include the term “immunity”

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This article comes from “” Long-time readers know we aren’t big fans of vaccines here, but that said, the reason they were developed in the first place was to provide people with an immunity from whatever disease the vaccine was intended to address and treat. That’s not speculation and it’s not a conspiracy theory: Vaccines for […]

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CDC unveils Orwellian terminology change: “Vaccinated” will no longer include the term “immunity” Read More »

Why not test everybody via PCR for chicken pox and lock down the whole world from a single case of chicken pox?

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This article comes from “” Take an objective look back at what has transpired so far with the ‘pandemic,’ and you will see what closely resembles a far-fetched, science fiction horror movie, where ‘mutant viruses’ are trying to take over the planet, except the irony is that the millions of healthy earthlings who don’t get vaccinated aren’t affected. Currently,

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Why not test everybody via PCR for chicken pox and lock down the whole world from a single case of chicken pox? Read More »

FACT CHECK: The FDA first approved ivermectin for HUMANS back in 1996… media outlets are deliberately lying to the public

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This article comes from “” The mainstream media is lying on behalf of Big Pharma and the medical fascists by falsely claiming that ivermectin is a de-wormer for animals, when the reality is that the anti-parasite drug was first approved for human use back in 1996. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which is

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FACT CHECK: The FDA first approved ivermectin for HUMANS back in 1996… media outlets are deliberately lying to the public Read More »

Former Pfizer employee: “Checkmate. Game Over. We win”

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This article comes from “” (Article by Alexandra Bruce republished from I’ve been saying that the only way the Globalists can get away with this is by killing us all – or enough of us that there is complete civilizational collapse and there are no judges or courts left to rule against them. This explains their mad

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Former Pfizer employee: “Checkmate. Game Over. We win” Read More »

Obama ordered FBI, CDC to implement globalist ‘health security agenda’ shortly before leaving office

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This article comes from “” Shortly before leaving office, President Obama and his administration took some actions regarding pandemics and “global health security” which some may find interesting. (Article by Robert L. Kinney III republished from First, President Obama’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST), led by John Holdren, wrote and published a letter to the President

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Obama ordered FBI, CDC to implement globalist ‘health security agenda’ shortly before leaving office Read More »

Communist Biden regime plans to put “antivaxxers” on “no gun list” so Americans can’t defend themselves from CDC internment camps

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This article comes from “” The Biden regime desperately wants to put the “unvaccinated” on a “no fly list” — permanently segregating tens of millions of innocent Americans from air travel. The tyranny doesn’t end there. Once Americans are placed on a “no fly list” and labeled domestic terrorists, they can be put on a “no

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Communist Biden regime plans to put “antivaxxers” on “no gun list” so Americans can’t defend themselves from CDC internment camps Read More »

Mainstream media, Biden administration collude to trick Americans into taking deadly COVID-19 “vaccines”

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This article comes from “”  The mainstream media and the Biden administration are apparently colluding to trick Americans into getting an experimental coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine. The scheme started with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granting full approval to Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine on Monday, Aug. 23. In its approval letter, the FDA acknowledged that there is “a significant

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Mainstream media, Biden administration collude to trick Americans into taking deadly COVID-19 “vaccines” Read More »