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(“Tim Truth” has done an excellent job of presenting absolute proof that the COVID-19 vaccines were a pre-planned “poisonous” bio-weapon. Please take the time, regardless of where you reside, and look at all of the evidence that Tim shows. There are actual documents where the vaccine is actually “classified as a Schedule 4 POISON“. They […]

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Hospital covid treatments were so “brutal” and murderous that some nurses quit the profession

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This article comes from “” The places where sick people are sent for treatment, also known as hospitals, are, in many cases, death centers for people who test “positive” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19). A growing number of nurses is speaking out about the “brutal” remedies that are being administered at many state- and federally-funded health care systems

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Hospital covid treatments were so “brutal” and murderous that some nurses quit the profession Read More »

Our turn: Americans have every right to sue over covid mandates, especially now that the CDC is backtracking on its guidance

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This article comes from “” Just days before millions of American children returned to school for the fall term, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) surprised the country by reversing course and finally recognizing the right of all individuals to make their own health decisions – at least for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19). Because

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Our turn: Americans have every right to sue over covid mandates, especially now that the CDC is backtracking on its guidance Read More »

Pfizer Shot Killed 44% Of Pregnancies In Trial: Court-Ordered Report Exposes Mass Murder

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If Fauci deserved be incarcerated back in 2020, he for sure deserves it NOW. Deanna Lorraine joins Stew Peters to discuss the data showing over 40% of pregnant women miscarried during the Pfizer vaccine trials. This tragedy will not be forgotten.

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Pfizer Shot Killed 44% Of Pregnancies In Trial: Court-Ordered Report Exposes Mass Murder Read More »

Experimental Vaxx Rollout Of The Flu, Monkeypox, And Ebola Set To Deploy

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COVID-19 is PROVEN to be a man-made, intentionally spread virus that was intended to push people towards a death shot that will kill or injure everyone who takes it. Karen Kingston joins Stew Peters to talk about the flu vaccine that was found out to be an experimental injection, but never had to disclose this

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Experimental Vaxx Rollout Of The Flu, Monkeypox, And Ebola Set To Deploy Read More »

Health Ranger Report: Post-vaccine clots taken from deceased individuals contain surprising amounts of metals

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This article comes from “” The Health Ranger Mike Adams shared with Dr. Jane Ruby that the post-vaccine clots taken from deceased individuals contain detrimental amounts of metals. During a recent episode of the “Health Ranger Report,” Adams said they ran the clots through an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS), which is an elemental analysis instrument that uses a plasma

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Health Ranger Report: Post-vaccine clots taken from deceased individuals contain surprising amounts of metals Read More »

Uruguay Judge Orders Pfizer to Release Vaccine Ingredients, Suspends Use For Children

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This article comes from “” Court order demands to know Pfizer’s experimental injections contain “graphene oxide” or “nanotechnological elements.” Also requires “details of nature, probability, magnitude” of the “adverse effects already detected, in full.” Pfizer must turn over all information on its COVID-19 mRNA injection, including whether ingredients like “graphene oxide” or “nanotechnological elements” are

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Uruguay Judge Orders Pfizer to Release Vaccine Ingredients, Suspends Use For Children Read More »

45-Year-Old Canadian Paralyzed After Pfizer Shot Waiting for Government to Respond

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this article comes from “” Julian Scholefield was paralyzed from the waist down in July 2021, 12 days after his second Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. Nearly a year later, he’s still waiting for the government to respond to his request for compensation. More than 11 months after becoming paralyzed from the waist down 12 days after

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45-Year-Old Canadian Paralyzed After Pfizer Shot Waiting for Government to Respond Read More »

Justin Beiber’s PARALYZED face ‘Ramsay Hunt Syndrome’ is actually a VACCINE INJURY

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In the short audio segment below, Mike Adams )The Health Ranger) discusses Justin Beiber’s face being paralyzed and his opinion that it was caused by the vaccine, just like what happened with Eric Clapton. Justin Beiber will probalby not be as honest as Eric Clapton was and warn others about the dangers of the “clot

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Justin Beiber’s PARALYZED face ‘Ramsay Hunt Syndrome’ is actually a VACCINE INJURY Read More »