
FBI Scrambles To Protect Biden Crime Family

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This article comes from “The Browne Report” via banned.video According to the propagandized hype, federal officials claim the investigation into Hunter Biden regarding various tax violations and/or foreign lobbying violations has reached a “critical stage”. But after the FBI sat on the laptop and have repeatedly meddled in the last three Presidential elections as lapdogs

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FBI Scrambles To Protect Biden Crime Family Read More »

Vaccine Gives Fake President Fake Covid: Biden Will NoT Receive Protocol Remdesivir Or Ventilator

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Did Biden’s handlers force him into hiding under the guise of COVID after his cancer announcement?Deanna Lorraine joins Stew Peters to discuss the political theater of COVID & how the Globalists are brainwashing the public into BELIEVING it!This masquerade needs to end NOW!

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Vaccine Gives Fake President Fake Covid: Biden Will NoT Receive Protocol Remdesivir Or Ventilator Read More »

The Climate Change Transition To Mass Starvation And Death

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This comes from “The Browne Report” via banned.video Speaking from the Somerset, Massachusetts Joe Biden, United Nations Agenda 2030 puppet signaled that he would soon grant himself illegal Climate Change Emergency powers that could bring a screeching halt to U.S. exports of crude oil and eliminate offshore drilling. Ushering in the very real possibility of

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The Climate Change Transition To Mass Starvation And Death Read More »

Biden EXPOSED as Puppet for the Great Reset

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This video comes from “Deep State Satire” via banned.video After searching through hours of footage, we have found that Joe Biden has been a favorite at the World Economic Forum, speaking on the Fourth Industrial Revolution, including his concerns for the Middle Class being wiped out (from his own green initiatives.) While his relationship with

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Biden EXPOSED as Puppet for the Great Reset Read More »


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This article comes from “infowars.com” The collapse you are witnessing was planned long ago. In order to initiate the Great Reset, the elite plan on destroying everything to build their dystopia from modern society’s ashes. Trump warned us about the radical left’s evil plan to destroy the oil industry and transition American energy to the

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Top 7 ways Biden Regime is decimating America and the populace

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This article comes from “citizens.news” There is no longer “safety in numbers,” especially when it comes to about 200 million Americans taking the advice and guidance of the US government and regulatory agencies. Anyone who takes the advice of the FDA and CDC is venturing down a rabbit hole of dangerous, experimental medications and pesticide-laden, processed

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Top 7 ways Biden Regime is decimating America and the populace Read More »

Biden regime’s drag queen Energy Department official gets coveted top secret “Q clearance,” making him a national security risk

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This article comes from “citizens.news” The Biden regime reminds tens of millions of Americans of a comedy show. It is filled with absurd characters doing some of the dumbest things. But unfortunately, Joe Biden is really the president, thanks to the Deep State stealing Donald Trump’s reelection. And the way his administration is being staffed, you’d

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Biden regime’s drag queen Energy Department official gets coveted top secret “Q clearance,” making him a national security risk Read More »