Mask Wearing

CDC caught fabricating Florida covid numbers to push mass hysteria

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This article comes from “” The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is lying once again about the alleged number of new Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “cases” in the state of Florida. The private corporation posing as a federal agency inflated the Chinese Virus count in the Sunshine State by at least 50 percent, reports indicate, and was later forced to

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CDC caught fabricating Florida covid numbers to push mass hysteria Read More »

Schwarzenegger to Anti-Maskers: ‘Screw Your Freedom’

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This article comes from “” Former California Governor and Hollywood superstar Arnold Schwarzenegger had some choice words for anti-maskers on Wednesday: “screw your freedom.” “We cannot just say, ‘I have the right to do X, Y and Z.’ When you affect other people, that is when it gets serious,” Schwarzenegger said in a CNN discussion

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Schwarzenegger to Anti-Maskers: ‘Screw Your Freedom’ Read More »

CDC recommendation to bring back mask mandates spurs intense backlash

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This article comes from ““ The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently released new guidelines recommending that all Americans, regardless of vaccination status, should wear masks indoors in areas with high transmission. The agency’s new set of recommendations has spurred backlash, as the country desperately wants to move on from the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Virtually

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CDC recommendation to bring back mask mandates spurs intense backlash Read More »

GOP governors already lining up to push back on Biden administration’s new COVID mask ‘guidance’

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This article comes from ““ It seems like forever ago when Americans were first asked to shut down our businesses, close our schools, get off our streets, and stay inside for a couple of weeks to “bend the curve” of the emerging COVID-19 pandemic. But really, it wasn’t all that long ago, a year in

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GOP governors already lining up to push back on Biden administration’s new COVID mask ‘guidance’ Read More »

BRANDED like cattle: In one California city, “fully vaccinated” people now have to wear a visible sticker if they decide to avoid wearing a mask

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This article comes from ““ The city of Montclair in Southern California has decided to “brand” its city employees like cattle based on their Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccination” status. According to reports, controversy arose after officials ruled that “fully vaccinated” city employees still need to wear a special “sticker” on their person showing that they got

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BRANDED like cattle: In one California city, “fully vaccinated” people now have to wear a visible sticker if they decide to avoid wearing a mask Read More »

CDC flip-flops with new recommendation that all Americans wear a mask indoors, AGAIN

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This article comes from ““  Rochelle Walensky of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has decided that all Americans should once again cover their faces with t-shirt cloth or Chinese plastic in order to help “flatten the curve” of the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “delta variant.” The private corporation posing as a federal agency has determined that Fauci Flu shots

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CDC flip-flops with new recommendation that all Americans wear a mask indoors, AGAIN Read More »