
Door-to-door medical kidnappings begin in Australia as covid fascism escalates

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This article comes from “afinalwarning.com” An Australian man clearly in good health was abducted from his home by Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) first responders and taken away to a quarantine camp after testing “positive” for the Chinese Virus. The man is obviously not sick and looks like he works out at the gym for several hours a day

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Door-to-door medical kidnappings begin in Australia as covid fascism escalates Read More »

American men need to stand up and stop the covid tyranny

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This article comes from “afinalwarning.com”  Steve Lynch, who ran for governor of Pennsylvania, delivered a rousing speech at a recent Freedom Rally in which he called on men everywhere to band together and take back our country from the Branch Covidians. Sick and tired of seeing our children, especially, trampled over by the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) tyrants

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American men need to stand up and stop the covid tyranny Read More »


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Sheriff Richard Mack joins SGT Report to dissect the absolute treachery of Joe Biden and his administration, the fallacy of vaccine “mandate”, and the role of Constitutional sheriffs as the last line of defense against tyranny. Support & join:https://cspoa.org/

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Deland Police Officer Fired For False Arrest & Assault of 69 YO Man Then Rehired…

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Certain people become law enforcement officers because they already have a personality complex that centers around having power over others. These officers are addicted to the “perceived power” behind the badge however they truly don’t think that any responsibility or respect for others come with the badge. These are the types of officers that will

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Deland Police Officer Fired For False Arrest & Assault of 69 YO Man Then Rehired… Read More »

Government document instructs vaccine “strike force” teams how to clear buildings, violate trespass laws and flag anti-vaxxers for forced quarantines

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They Are Waging War Against The American People Please take time to read and listen to the information below. This article comes from “afinalwarning.com“ A government document that has recently surfaced offers horrifying details on how door-to-door “strike force” vaccine enforcement teams plan to operate. Labeled, “Community Health Ambassador Outreach Door Knocking Project,” a now-public document published

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Government document instructs vaccine “strike force” teams how to clear buildings, violate trespass laws and flag anti-vaxxers for forced quarantines Read More »

Americans are resisting Biden’s door-to-door COVID vaccine “brownshirts” program

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This article comes from “afinalwarning.com“  As you probably know, Resident Joe Biden of the White House nursing home is embracing the tactics of the 1930s fascists by pushing for door-to-door “vaccination” campaigns for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19). And many Americans are having none of it. Robert F. Kennedy Jr., chairman of Children’s Health Defense (CHD), came out

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Americans are resisting Biden’s door-to-door COVID vaccine “brownshirts” program Read More »

Soon, FEMA squads and U.S. soldiers will be coming to your door to vaccinate you at gunpoint (or drag you away to a covid death camp)

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The following is from Mike Adams “The Health Ranger” This article comes from “afinalwarning.com“ The scenario I’ve been warning about for years is finally here. It’s now confirmed by the White House that FEMA goon squads will be going “door-to-door” across America to coerce unvaccinated people into taking deadly bioweapons spike protein kill shots. It

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Soon, FEMA squads and U.S. soldiers will be coming to your door to vaccinate you at gunpoint (or drag you away to a covid death camp) Read More »

State Trooper Flips Pregnant Woman’s Vehicle Over For Speeding…

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Today’s law enforcement officers are out of control! If you don’t “kneel down and lick their boots” you are in for a world of hurt. These ego driven, power hungry agents of the state only know one thing and that is to make you do their bidding. They absolutely lack the ability to think “outside

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State Trooper Flips Pregnant Woman’s Vehicle Over For Speeding… Read More »


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There is not another word that is more powerful. When people say NO to the things that hold them back, try to control them, and try to silence them they are utilizing their God given right to their own freedom. The elites, big corporations, and the government hate it when people say NO to their

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NO! Read More »