Teaching Lab’s Dr. Quintin Bostic Admits Violating State Law to Sell CRT Curriculums to Schools

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(I’m a little late posting this, but better late than never…)

Project Veritas released a series of undercover videos exposing “Teaching Labs”, which sells critical race theory to schools.

In Georgia, Dr. Quintin Bostic, who works there as a Content Manager, revealed he “struggles” with his organization’s business practices. He even referred to it as a “scam lab.”

Here are some of the highlights from the video:

  • Dr. Quintin Bostic, Content Manager, The Teaching Lab: “It [Teaching Lab] is like a scam lab.”
  • Dr. Bostic: “My boss [Teaching Lab CEO Sarah Johnson] is a freaking psychopath…She’s running a non-profit but it’s for profit.”
  • Dr. Bostic: “I have people on my team who have never taught before but know sales…literally [they say] like, ‘I hate kids.’ I’m like, ‘Don’t say that in front of a partner, just keep it to yourself.’”

Here is part one:

Here is part two:

Here is part three:

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