Let me tell you about an experience that I had while eating at a restaurant. I was sitting there alone and had placed my order. A man and a woman came in and was seated two tables away from me. They appeared to be in their twenties. They were both wearing face masks. As I sat there and looked at them, many thoughts were going through my mind. I was thinking about how sad it is that this propaganda has programmed so many sheeple to come into a place to eat wearing these muzzles and then they have to take them off if they eat and drink. Is a so called virus going to suddenly say “oh they are eating I cannot enter their body right now”? I was looking right at them as I reflected upon all of these thoughts. The man got up and walked past me on his way to the restroom, I suppose. As he passed me I looked at him and then when I looked back at my drink to pick up, I shook my head.
The female that was sitting there said out loud “why don’t you say something?” . She then says “you shook your head, you got something to say?” I didn’t even respond. The man returned and she told him because he turned around to look at me. What happened next told me everything that I needed to know about the females mindset. She calls the waitress over and says “that man is staring at us and I don’t like it. I want the manager to make him stop!” The waitress handled it the right way. She told the couple that she would move them to another table. They got up and went somewhere else in the restaurant.
This is the kind of mindset that this generation has. She actually expected the restaurant to make me stop looking at them! Her actions clearly demonstrated the insecurity and lack of common sense. If someone staring at them makes a person uncomfortable then they have issues. When I would not respond to her “bait” she got angry and wanted to get the manager involved. If this is Americas future, then we are screwed!