What the Heck are they Planning Against Us??

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If you don’t learn from history, then you are doomed to repeat it. Fear and the plea for necessity have always been used as the excuse for taking away more of our freedoms. From 9/11 to the covid-19 plandemic, they create the problem, wait for the fear based reaction, then offer the solution to the situation that they created.

I believe 2024 is going to be a roller coaster of non-stop crisis events, brought on by the immigrant flood gates. This was all part of the plan. Imagine if you wanted an excuse to declare a martial law style police state in America. You would allow millions of questionable character people into the country, allow them to reek havoc, and then say “we have to round them all up!”

What does this “round up” look like for me or you? A heck of a lot of our freedom taken away! It would possibly mean military style checkpoints at nearly every turn with “order followers” demanding us to “show me your papers”! You can kiss your free movement goodbye. Now doesn’t that sound like one of the goals that the W.E.F. has been touting?

In the video below, Brian, from “Here’s The Deal” shows this Ohio sheriff talking about his meeting with the F.B.I. and how there are more “red flags” now than in 9/11. He paints this picture as if bad things are about to go down and how more police power and resources are needed.

As for me, I am more worried about “false flags” than I am of the “red flags”.

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