September 2021

INVASION: Biden administration processing thousands of unvaccinated Haitians and letting them loose into America

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This article comes from “” The administration of President Joe Biden is reportedly processing thousands of Haitian illegal immigrant “family units” and releasing them into the United States. A crisis has developed on the southern border in recent weeks due to the sudden surge of thousands of mostly Haitian illegal immigrants. According to Acting Chief Raul […]

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INVASION: Biden administration processing thousands of unvaccinated Haitians and letting them loose into America Read More »

Bill Gates and UNICEF aligned with terrorist Taliban involving U.S. taxpayer dollars

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This article comes from “” The CIA is well-known for getting in bed with terrorists and tyrannical regimes if those particular governments align with U.S. national security and foreign policy interests at the time. Those scenarios have come back to bite us in the past, and in a big way. Once upon a time, America

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Bill Gates and UNICEF aligned with terrorist Taliban involving U.S. taxpayer dollars Read More »

MEDICAL MURDER: Hospitals are killing health freedom advocates by denying them life-saving treatments

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This article comes from “” Veronica Wolski, a prominent health freedom advocate, was murdered by Catholic AMITA Health Resurrection Medical Center in Chicago after being admitted there recently for an illness. Instead of giving Wolski ivermectin like she requested, the hospital forced her into its “covid protocols.” After realizing that these protocols would likely kill her, Wolski

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MEDICAL MURDER: Hospitals are killing health freedom advocates by denying them life-saving treatments Read More »

Dr. Ryan Cole talks about how vitamin D, not vaccines, is the key to fighting COVID-19 – Brighteon.TV

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This article comes from ““ In the latest episode of The Dr. Ardis Show on Brighteon.TV, Dr. Bryan Ardis speaks with Dr. Ryan Cole about the ongoing treatments for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) in ICUs in the United States. During the discussion, Cole speaks about the importance of early treatment or prevention of COVID-19 by taking ivermectin and vitamin

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Dr. Ryan Cole talks about how vitamin D, not vaccines, is the key to fighting COVID-19 – Brighteon.TV Read More »

Now vaccine-pushing scientists want to turn your GROCERIES into mRNA vaccines

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The global agenda to inoculate every man, woman and child is coming straight to your dinner plate. A team of scientists from the University of California, Riverside are researching ways to turn your GROCERIES into mRNA vaccines. In order to combat “vaccine hesitancy” in the population, these scientists want to distribute coronavirus spike proteins throughout the food

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Now vaccine-pushing scientists want to turn your GROCERIES into mRNA vaccines Read More »

PART 2: FDA Official ‘Blow Dart African Americans’ & Wants ‘Nazi Germany Registry’ for Unvaccinated – Project Veritas

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Here is Part 2 of the latest uncover series concerning the COVID-19 vaccine. They record an FDA associate talking about using “blow darts” on people to vaccinate the population. This idiot is sick as hell! You really get to see the mentality of these psychos. Project Veritas released the second video of its COVID vaccine investigative

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PART 2: FDA Official ‘Blow Dart African Americans’ & Wants ‘Nazi Germany Registry’ for Unvaccinated – Project Veritas Read More »

Law enforcement agencies obtain private location data directly from Google to demonize innocent people as “crime suspects”

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This article comes from “” Privacy activists and experts are sounding the alarm over an emerging trend among law enforcement agencies to get Google to give up location data of hundreds or even thousands of people during investigations. This has the unfortunate effect of turning individuals into suspects in crimes they did not even commit. In Jan.

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Law enforcement agencies obtain private location data directly from Google to demonize innocent people as “crime suspects” Read More »