February 2022

Government instilled fear in people to make them wear masks during COVID pandemic

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This article comes from “citizens.news” Asking people to wear masks was a visual sign that the world is in a pandemic, and many are supposed to be afraid and panicked at all times. Mask-wearing showed that the government can tell everyone what to do and force them to do something without really explaining the reasons […]

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Government instilled fear in people to make them wear masks during COVID pandemic Read More »

Dr. Zev Zelenko: Vaccination giving rise to more dangerous COVID variants

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This article comes from “citizens.news” Family physician Dr. Vladimir “Zev” Zelenko warned against vaccinating people amid the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, noting that doing so enables the virus to evolve into more dangerous variants that bypass immunity. “COVID-19, which is a virus, has several reasons why variants developed. Every virus develops mutations – it gives them survival

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Dr. Zev Zelenko: Vaccination giving rise to more dangerous COVID variants Read More »

Big Pharma, mainstream media looking to create the next big health scare as Covid fears subside

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This article comes from “citizens.news” There are signs that the pandemic is starting to wind down, and the mainstream media is losing its power as the population grows tired of COVID-19 hype. By now, most people who can be convinced to get the vaccine have already done so, and even those who once believed that

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Big Pharma, mainstream media looking to create the next big health scare as Covid fears subside Read More »

Two teenagers drop dead days after getting “vaccinated” with Pfizer – media silent

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This article comes from “citizens.news” Researchers from Yale University and the University of Michigan published a paper about two boys who were found dead in their beds after getting a second injection of Pfizer’s Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine.” Cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough highlighted the study and the associated deaths in a Twitter post, revealing that these unfortunate children had no “chance

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Two teenagers drop dead days after getting “vaccinated” with Pfizer – media silent Read More »

Vaccinated people around the world are showing AIDS-like symptoms

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This article comes from “citizens.news” Doctors and scientists are baffled by the massive numbers of people showing AIDS-like symptoms following mass vaccinations worldwide. In a recent episode of “InfoWars,” Alex Jones broke down the rising cases of HIV, as well as the pharmaceutical companies’ plans of injecting the population with more mRNA bioweapons to counter the

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Vaccinated people around the world are showing AIDS-like symptoms Read More »

Grandmother Dies After Police Trample Her On Horseback At Ottawa Freedom Rally

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(Update: It appears as if she did not die. She is in critical condition.) She was an elderly lady with a walker and the cops ran her through on horseback, she has since died of her injuries. Dear tyrant officers: WHAT DO YOU SEE WHEN YOU LOOK INTO THE MIRROR?

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Grandmother Dies After Police Trample Her On Horseback At Ottawa Freedom Rally Read More »


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If the 5G data and experimental Covid vaccine information shared in this interview, from SGT Report, with Dr. Lee Vliet & attorney Todd Callender is accurate, the fully vaxxed probably don’t stand much of a chance in coming years – and the rest of us are at grave risk as well. Stand. Fight. Pray.

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