June 2022

Sudden vaccines deaths are now so common they’ve assigned a SYNDROME name for it: Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS)

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This article comes from “citizens.news” The murderous medical regime knows that covid vaccines are killing healthy young people at an alarming rate, so they’ve suddenly assigned a medical label for the phenomenon in order to distract people from the truth. Now, healthy young people who suddenly die without any medical explanation are said to have died from Sudden

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Sudden vaccines deaths are now so common they’ve assigned a SYNDROME name for it: Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) Read More »

Illegal To Break Down & Re-Assemble Under HR7910?!? (Protecting Our Kids Act)

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Here is Jared from “Guns & Gadgets” helping to translate HR7910 and how essentially breaking down a firearm, cleaning it, and reassembling it makes it a “ghost gun” if there are any parts without a serial number. They are attempting to make nearly all guns “ghosts guns”.

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Illegal To Break Down & Re-Assemble Under HR7910?!? (Protecting Our Kids Act) Read More »

America plunging into third world status as police run out of fuel and say they won’t respond to 911 calls because of gas prices

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This article comes from “citizens.news” Thanks to the Biden regime’s destructive economic policies that have resulted in record inflation, the Isabella County Sheriff’s Department in Michigan has announced that it no longer has the resources available to respond to 911 calls because of fuel costs. The current gas price average in America is hovering around $5 and

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America plunging into third world status as police run out of fuel and say they won’t respond to 911 calls because of gas prices Read More »

McConaughey, Who Pushed Gun Control at White House, Glorified Gun Use in Movies for Years

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This article comes from “infowars.com” Hollywood actor who made living off ‘gun violence’ lectures Americans on why guns are bad. Apparently has no problem with own security detail being armed. Actor Matthew McConaughey visited the White House this week using his clout to promote gun control, however many called him out for having no problems

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McConaughey, Who Pushed Gun Control at White House, Glorified Gun Use in Movies for Years Read More »

WHO and WEF Globalists Coordinate Their Global ‘Reset’

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This article comes from “infowars.com” STORY AT-A-GLANCE Each year, the self-proclaimed ruling class spend a week in Davos, Switzerland, discussing their visions of the future and how to impose their ambitions on the rest of the world They believe the future is theirs to create. They believe they, the attendees in that room, have all

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WHO and WEF Globalists Coordinate Their Global ‘Reset’ Read More »

Everything Is a Weapon: The U.S. Government Is Waging Psychological Warfare on the Nation

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This article was originally published by John W. Whitehead at The Rutherford Institute. It has been republished with permission from the author. Please contact the author directly for republishing information.  “Have you ever wondered who’s pulling the strings? … Anything we touch is a weapon. We can deceive, persuade, change, influence, inspire. We come in many forms. We are

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Everything Is a Weapon: The U.S. Government Is Waging Psychological Warfare on the Nation Read More »