September 2023

Delaware Troopers Lose Federal Lawsuit After Taking Man’s “RADAR AHEAD” Sign

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If there is one thing that egotistical “order-followers” hate is an American exercising his or her freedom of speech. It really bruises their ego if that person is also warning other fellow Americans about the law enforcers “roadside piracy” that is robbing people of what little money they have left. This man, in the video […]

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Delaware Troopers Lose Federal Lawsuit After Taking Man’s “RADAR AHEAD” Sign Read More »

AI-powered DEEPFAKE VOICE SCAMS are now coming for your bank balance

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This article comes from “” Deepfake voice scams are now targeting your bank balance. Scammers have started to use artificial intelligence (AI) to generate voices in real time. Clive Kabatznik, a Florida-based investor, recounted how he found himself at the center of a high-tech fraud attempt last spring. Kabatznik called twice on his local Bank of

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AI-powered DEEPFAKE VOICE SCAMS are now coming for your bank balance Read More »

Google Will Conquer The United States

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From “The Browne Report” Google, which is owned by Alphabet Inc. is worth roughly 1.717 Trillion dollars. A number that rivals the GDP of some first world nations. This Goliath recently decided that the First Amendment no longer applies to U.S. citizens. While others in Silicon Valley tied to the World Economic Forum and the

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Google Will Conquer The United States Read More »

WALKING BIOWEAPONS FACTORIES: HALF the people “vaccinated” for COVID will keep making deadly spike proteins FOREVER, study finds

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This article comes from “” Another widespread claim about the “safety” and “effectiveness” of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccines” has been proven false. Researchers out of Italy and United Kingdom found that, contrary to government claims, the spike proteins from Fauci Flu shots persist in recipients’ arms for at least six months post-injection. Up until now, the

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WALKING BIOWEAPONS FACTORIES: HALF the people “vaccinated” for COVID will keep making deadly spike proteins FOREVER, study finds Read More »

Right on cue, CNBC starts pushing nationwide MASKING for COVID despite the fact that MASKS DON’T WORK

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#DoNotComply This article comes from “” Like some kind of early 2020 déjà vu, CNBC, the fake news giant of finance, is spreading lies and misinformation about the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) to try to force all of America back into face masks. Writer Annika Kim Constantino claims that COVID “cases and hospitalizations” across the United States are rising,

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Right on cue, CNBC starts pushing nationwide MASKING for COVID despite the fact that MASKS DON’T WORK Read More »

Pandemic Propaganda Returns: MSM Fear Mongers Hype New Covid Variant

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#DoNotComply Covidians need to be put on trial for treason and face the death penalty.Pro-liberty comedian Chad Prather joins Stew Peters to talk about the return of Covid-19 propaganda.The elites are in panic mode and feel their control slipping away.That is why they are planning another fake Plandemic.This time around they are attempting to hype

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Pandemic Propaganda Returns: MSM Fear Mongers Hype New Covid Variant Read More »

Targeted Individuals…

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From Greg Reese The US government has been targeting thousands of innocent civilians for decades. Transcript of video: After 9/11 and the birth of Homeland Security, fusion centers were set up to monitor U.S. citizens. And the U.S. Department of Justice legalized non-consensual experiments on the public. These Fusion centers employ civilians to target individuals

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Targeted Individuals… Read More »

CDC Finally Admit That Vaccinated Are Now More Susceptible to COVID Than Unvaxxed

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From “” The CDC has finally admitted what independent researchers have known since the mRNA jabs were rolled out: vaccinated people are at far higher risk of infection from new variants of the virus than the unvaccinated population. The CDC quietly made the bombshell admission in an update on its guidance regarding newly emerging variants of Covid-19.

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CDC Finally Admit That Vaccinated Are Now More Susceptible to COVID Than Unvaxxed Read More »

Recorded conversation proving Joe Biden’s glaring corruption to be released in coming weeks

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This article comes from “” Joe Biden’s political future hangs in the balance following a revelation by a respected American journalist of a recorded conversation with undeniable proof of his involvement in corruption. Greg Kelly dropped the bombshell revelation on his popular Newsmax show in which he noted that the evidence is so strong Biden might have to quit

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Recorded conversation proving Joe Biden’s glaring corruption to be released in coming weeks Read More »