
Amazon buying up massive industrial land holdings across the U.S., even as it reduces warehouse square footage… what are they planning?

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This article comes from “” As you may have heard, e-commerce giant Amazon has had to drastically scale back its warehouse square footage in recent months due to labor and energy cost increases. Why, then, is the company simultaneously gobbling up land all across the country in key markets? One of the company’s most recent purchases was […]

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Amazon buying up massive industrial land holdings across the U.S., even as it reduces warehouse square footage… what are they planning? Read More »

Yuval Noah Harari-“Free Will Is a Myth” & “Privileged Access to What’s Happening Inside You”

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Watch and listen to this psychopath and ask yourself: “Is this the kind of world I want my children and grandchildren to live in?” If you said yes, then you are a psychopath as well and there is no hope for you.

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Yuval Noah Harari-“Free Will Is a Myth” & “Privileged Access to What’s Happening Inside You” Read More »

Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos pushing for a new lab-grown meat industry that harvests the blood of unborn cow fetuses

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This article comes from “” Some of the world’s wealthiest investors are putting their money into a new, lab-grown meat industry. This lab-grown meat is made from animal stem cells that are cultured and replicated in vitro. The cultured meat product is being touted as a solution to “climate change” because it reduces the amount

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Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos pushing for a new lab-grown meat industry that harvests the blood of unborn cow fetuses Read More »

American oligarchs: Are these billionaires GUILTY of being involved in domestic terrorism and biological warfare?

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This article comes from “” Why isn’t the word “oligarch” ever used to describe American billionaires? Oligarch means a very rich business leader with a great deal of political influence, and they don’t have to reside in Russia, China, or Iran to fit that bill. In fact, several American billionaires support the highly corrupt tyranny that currently

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American oligarchs: Are these billionaires GUILTY of being involved in domestic terrorism and biological warfare? Read More »

US Billionaires 10 TIMES RICHER Over Last 2 Years

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The 10 richest men in the world doubled their funds during the last two years.—increasing from approximately $700 billion to $1.5 trillion between March 2020 and November 2021 — the incomes of approximately 99% of people around the globe fell during that time, and more than 160 million people have been forced into poverty, the

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US Billionaires 10 TIMES RICHER Over Last 2 Years Read More »

Amazon is about to start sharing Alexa owners’ bandwidth with their neighbors

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This article comes from ““ The tens of millions of Americans that own Amazon smart devices like Alexa, Echo and Ring only have a few days left to opt out of a company experiment that will severely compromise their personal privacy and security. On June 8, Amazon will launch the Amazon Sidewalk, a new shared mesh network that

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Amazon is about to start sharing Alexa owners’ bandwidth with their neighbors Read More »

Soon NO JOBS available for the unvaccinated except for carrying the dead bodies of the previously vaccinated

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This article comes from ““ When you get cancer really bad and the cells are taking over your vital organs or brain, and once you’ve been given several rounds of chemotherapy, surgery and radiation, and nothing’s changing, the doctors send you home to die. That’s because the mechanism in your cells that controls the reproduction

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Soon NO JOBS available for the unvaccinated except for carrying the dead bodies of the previously vaccinated Read More »

The Evil Technocracy That Is On The Path To Rule Humanity…

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The real threat that has been looming for a while are the evil technocrats that have managed to convince the worlds societies that they need all of this technology in their lives. The social media giants have made people become addicted to their platforms and it is time for people to walk away from this

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The Evil Technocracy That Is On The Path To Rule Humanity… Read More »

Jeff Bezos just endorsed corporate tax hikes. Here’s why Amazon’s support should be a giant red flag

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This article comes from ““ The Biden administration and some (but not all) of their Democratic allies in Congress want to raise the corporate tax rate to 28 percent. They say this would help the working class and hurt Big Business, finally making corporations “pay their fair share.” But if that were true, giant corporations like

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Jeff Bezos just endorsed corporate tax hikes. Here’s why Amazon’s support should be a giant red flag Read More »