Big Brother Surveillance

HCA Healthcare announces partnership with Dr. Google, exposing 32 million patient records to Big Tech’s prying eyes

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This article comes from ““ A major hospital chain has struck a partnership with Google to upload 32 million private patient medical records to the Google “Cloud.” These records from HCA Healthcare, based out of Nashville, Tenn., will reportedly be used by Google to create algorithms that instruct doctors and healthcare workers about how to treat their […]

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HCA Healthcare announces partnership with Dr. Google, exposing 32 million patient records to Big Tech’s prying eyes Read More »

The “Smart Systems” Are Not Making Us Smarter, They Are Making Us Dependent On Them…

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Think about it, we used to have to remember phone numbers, remember street routes and read paper maps and actually have our own built in compass. We used to have write on paper, do math in our head, and spell words correctly. I remember older people telling me as a child “you don’t realize how

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The “Smart Systems” Are Not Making Us Smarter, They Are Making Us Dependent On Them… Read More »

The Evil Technocracy That Is On The Path To Rule Humanity…

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The real threat that has been looming for a while are the evil technocrats that have managed to convince the worlds societies that they need all of this technology in their lives. The social media giants have made people become addicted to their platforms and it is time for people to walk away from this

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The Evil Technocracy That Is On The Path To Rule Humanity… Read More »

To Become One With The Machines…

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I have been one who works with technology most of my life. I have always been that one who’s friends and family called upon when they could not get their computers to work right. I was the child who thought that K.I.T.T. from the show Knight Rider was the most coolest thing ever. Anything “tech”

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To Become One With The Machines… Read More »

The Controlling Agenda 21 That Is Happening Now

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Agenda 21 is a global effort to basically have one power controlling everything on earth. It has been a goal that has been working for decades at it’s final outcome. It will not be a very pretty outcome for anyone who cares about their freedom. What is the answer to try and stop this? Sharing

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The Controlling Agenda 21 That Is Happening Now Read More »

“Implant Everyone On Earth With A Tracking Microchip” Says Klaus Schwab

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In a 2016 interview that’s now gaining national attention, Schwab, also the founder of the globalist Great Reset agenda, explained that within a decade humanity will be required to have implantable microchips to serve as a global health pass.

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“Implant Everyone On Earth With A Tracking Microchip” Says Klaus Schwab Read More »

From mind control to viruses: How the government keeps experimenting on its citizens

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This article comes from ““ The U.S. government, in its pursuit of so-called monsters, has itself become a monster. (Article by John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead republished from This is not a new development, nor is it a revelation. This is a government that has in recent decades unleashed untold horrors upon the world—including

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From mind control to viruses: How the government keeps experimenting on its citizens Read More »

Florida lawmakers pass bill banning vaccine passports in the state

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This article comes from ““ Legislators in Florida passed a bill instituting a total ban on vaccine passports in the Sunshine State. On April 29, the Florida Legislature passed Senate Bill (SB) 2006 – which prevents both government agencies and private businesses from requiring people to show proof of vaccination before availing of a product or service. The bill bolsters an

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Florida lawmakers pass bill banning vaccine passports in the state Read More »