Bill Gates

At what point do we realize Bill Gates is dangerously insane?

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This article comes from ““ This isn’t an overreaction to Gates’ latest foray into the news cycle. It’s an observation based on a long pattern of statements and behavior by the founder of Microsoft and one of the richest men who has ever lived which, were any of us normal people guilty of them, would […]

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At what point do we realize Bill Gates is dangerously insane? Read More »

Are you ready to become a ‘digital asset’ of the globalists’ Great Reset?

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This article comes from ““ Few are aware of it but the digitalization of the human race is advancing at break-neck speed. (Article republished from Don’t look now but the world is racing down a path that has been interlaid with landmines of control and surveillance and yet almost no Western politician of any party seems concerned

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Are you ready to become a ‘digital asset’ of the globalists’ Great Reset? Read More »

GAVI Vaccine Alliance: The source of terror behind global lockdowns and vaccine coercion…

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This article comes from ““ The World Health Organization (WHO) is facilitating a global health dictatorship, commanding all member states to enforce totalitarian lock downs and far-reaching medical edicts that empower government authorities and the vaccine industry – not human health. WHO’s authoritarian recommendations were adopted in rapid fashion by almost every government on Earth. The

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GAVI Vaccine Alliance: The source of terror behind global lockdowns and vaccine coercion… Read More »

CREEPY Bill Gates strikes again: Windows 10 secretly listens to everything you say and records all your keystrokes with hidden keylogger that uploads to Microsoft…

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This article comes from ““ Hidden inside Microsoft’s Windows 10 operating system software is a keylogger spyware module that records the keystrokes and voices of users and sends this private data straight to the mother ship. Another creepy “feature” of a software platform that was originally designed by billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates, the Windows 10 keylogger add-on

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CREEPY Bill Gates strikes again: Windows 10 secretly listens to everything you say and records all your keystrokes with hidden keylogger that uploads to Microsoft… Read More »

Bill Gates just received a $3.5 billion bailout from the Biden “stimulus” package

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This article comes from ““ Tucked away inside the Democrats’ “American Rescue Plan” is a $3.5 billion handout for billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates. While tens of millions of Americans face job loss and eviction, the Microsoft co-founder is being given a massive cash infusion for his so-called “Global Fund to Fight Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria.” Page 613

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Bill Gates just received a $3.5 billion bailout from the Biden “stimulus” package Read More »

Bill Gates is colluding with the Chinese Communist Party to spread anti-American propaganda…

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This article comes from ““ Efforts by communist China to overthrow America’s constitutional republic are getting a major boost from Bill Gates. The billionaire eugenicist has reportedly been advising various groups within the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) United Front on how to “take actions or adopt positions supportive of Beijing’s preferred policies.” Gates serves on a steering

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Bill Gates is colluding with the Chinese Communist Party to spread anti-American propaganda… Read More »

Bill Gates wants to deploy genetically modified mosquitoes to inject vaccines…

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This article comes from ““ Microsoft founder Bill Gates is mulling the use of genetically modified mosquitoes to “vaccinate” people. The technology bigwig and vaccine advocate brings his jab obsession a notch higher with the “flying syringes” project. To make this idea a reality, Gates has provided funding to a Japanese scientist who has pushed the idea

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Bill Gates wants to deploy genetically modified mosquitoes to inject vaccines… Read More »

Bill Gates, Microsoft, mRNA vaccines, and the global plot to turn human DNA, protein synthesis, and immune function into a programmable operating system.

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This article comes from ““  In January of 2020, a little-known company named Moderna got access to the genomic sequences of SARS-CoV-2 isolates. These sequences were quickly used to develop mRNA-1273, an mRNA vaccine that encodes SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins in human cells. The technology is experimental and relatively new, but it has been studied for several

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Bill Gates, Microsoft, mRNA vaccines, and the global plot to turn human DNA, protein synthesis, and immune function into a programmable operating system. Read More »

W.H.O. Insider Exposes GAVI, Bill Gates For Perpetrating Coronavirus Plandemic

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This article comes from ““ Dr. Astrid Stückelberger dropped some major bombshells during a recent interview that completely blew the lid on billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates, the corrupt World Health Organization (WHO), and other nefarious elements that all conspired together to perpetrate the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) plandemic on the world. A scientist, writer and WHO insider, Dr. Stückelberger used to believe

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W.H.O. Insider Exposes GAVI, Bill Gates For Perpetrating Coronavirus Plandemic Read More »