
WEF’s Harari: Hand Over Power To The Technocratic Elite Or Die

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This article comes from “” Globalists will hold humanity hostage in order to obtain total control. ‘Climate change’ will be used to usher in the NWO. Yuval Noah Harari, a World Economic Forum (WEF) member and the top advisor to its founder Klaus Schwab, provided insight into the mindset of the global elite on Friday

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WEF’s Harari: Hand Over Power To The Technocratic Elite Or Die Read More »

US military possesses advanced technology that can cause typhoons, earthquakes, floods and droughts

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This article comes from “” The U.S. military has the capability to discriminately change weather patterns. The technology was created in the 1990s under the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP). HAARP was formally shut down in 2014. Located near Gakona, Alaska, the scientific facility was used for studying the ionosphere using an array of 180 radio antennas scattered over an area of 0.13 square kilometers. There’s

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US military possesses advanced technology that can cause typhoons, earthquakes, floods and droughts Read More »

Swiss Face Up to 3 Years in Prison For Violating Heating Rules

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This article comes from “” New mandate forbids setting temperature above 19°C (66.2F). People in Switzerland who violate the country’s new heating rules which forbid setting the temperature above 19°C (66.2F) in the colder months will face up to three years in prison. Yes, really. Under the new rules, buildings that use gas heating systems

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Swiss Face Up to 3 Years in Prison For Violating Heating Rules Read More »

Climate change DEATH CULT declares war on essential elements of life

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This article comes from “”  Saving the planet from climate change sounds like a virtuous platform, one where people can come together to stop pollution and hold big industry accountable. However, the climate change narrative is currently run by a GLOBALIST DEATH CULT that has declared war on the most essential elements of life. Anyone who

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Climate change DEATH CULT declares war on essential elements of life Read More »

Canada building INTERROGATION ROOMS with weapons armories to arrest and prosecute people for “climate crimes”

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This article comes from Mike Adams, The Health Ranger via “” This week, we all learned how France is arming up 3,000 new “green police” to arrest and prosecute people for so-called “climate crimes” which could mean almost anything, including exhaling carbon dioxide. Now, The Counter Signal is reporting that the Canadian government is constructing a new climate crimes

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Canada building INTERROGATION ROOMS with weapons armories to arrest and prosecute people for “climate crimes” Read More »

Thousands of scientists sign formal declaration: “There is no climate emergency”

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This article comes from “” A growing number of scientists and other professionals and experts are of the same mind that so-called “global warming” and other climate change fictions are just that: fiction. At least 1,200 of them have signed on to the World Climate Declaration, which declares that there is “no climate emergency,” despite what corrupt governments

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Thousands of scientists sign formal declaration: “There is no climate emergency” Read More »

The mass culling of the HUMAN HERD is now under way… here’s exactly how it’s being accomplished to achieve mass extermination

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This article comes from Mike Adams, The Health Ranger, via “” Globalists see humanity as cattle (or sheeple) to be exploited for as long as needed, then culled like cattle herds when they are no longer useful. As globalist advisor Yuval Harari is now saying (paraphrased), the age of humans is coming to an end

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The mass culling of the HUMAN HERD is now under way… here’s exactly how it’s being accomplished to achieve mass extermination Read More »