
The goal of the “elite” with all their climate hysteria is to wipe out the food supply and depopulate the planet

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This article comes from “” If the globalists get their way, everyone in the world who is beneath them and their ever-expanding control structure will be forced as slaves to eat bugs, fake meat and junk food for the rest of their miserable lives. And the way the globalists plan to accomplish this is by destroying […]

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The goal of the “elite” with all their climate hysteria is to wipe out the food supply and depopulate the planet Read More »

The Climate Change Transition To Mass Starvation And Death

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This comes from “The Browne Report” via Speaking from the Somerset, Massachusetts Joe Biden, United Nations Agenda 2030 puppet signaled that he would soon grant himself illegal Climate Change Emergency powers that could bring a screeching halt to U.S. exports of crude oil and eliminate offshore drilling. Ushering in the very real possibility of

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The Climate Change Transition To Mass Starvation And Death Read More »

“Sabotage Joe” fake president threatens to declare CLIMATE EMERGENCY and invoke destructive executive orders to shut down America’s entire energy infrastructure

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This article comes from “” Imagine America with no more offshore oil rigs functioning at all. Imagine a ban on the construction of new refineries or pipelines. Consider the horrifying ramifications of our entire nation being plunged into a Sri Lanka-style collapse with engineered fuel scarcity affecting trains, long-haul trucks and all forms of transportation.

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“Sabotage Joe” fake president threatens to declare CLIMATE EMERGENCY and invoke destructive executive orders to shut down America’s entire energy infrastructure Read More »

China experts warn that the regime wants to influence US climate change policy

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This article comes from “” A number of China experts have warned that the regime is seeking to influence the U.S. and its stance on climate change. The experts issued their warnings following the decision of President Joe Biden to rejoin the Paris climate agreement. They reiterated that the administration should not allow the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to

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China experts warn that the regime wants to influence US climate change policy Read More »

“Your Gas Guzzler Kills” – Radical Climate Group Deflates Bay Area SUV Tires

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This article comes from “” Radical environmentalists in the San Francisco Bay Area are making life painful for hardworking people who drive SUVs by deflating their tires in the name of ‘climate change.’  “ATTENTION – Your gas guzzler kills. We have deflated one or more of your tires. You’ll be angry, but don’t take it personally.

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“Your Gas Guzzler Kills” – Radical Climate Group Deflates Bay Area SUV Tires Read More »

Public Not Buying Claim Thousands of Cattle Dying From “Climate Change”

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This article comes from “” It’s hotter in Texas than it is in Kansas, but the cows aren’t dying in Texas en mass from the temperature alone A message from Alex Jones: We’ve had cattle in East Texas for over 150 years in a region that routinely sees over 100 degree weather. So this notion that

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Public Not Buying Claim Thousands of Cattle Dying From “Climate Change” Read More »

Finance, climate, diplomacy, science, medicine, education and psychology: The “experts” are WRONG about almost everything

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This article comes from “” Have you noticed how the so-called “experts” are usually incompetent morons? We have experts in finance who don’t know that printing trillions of dollars causes inflation. We have experts in education and psychology who think mutilating the genitals of children is something to celebrate in the name of “pride.” We

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Finance, climate, diplomacy, science, medicine, education and psychology: The “experts” are WRONG about almost everything Read More »

Globalist corporations begin seizing farmland in America under eminent domain, to halt food production in the name of fighting climate change

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This article comes from “” If our own government isn’t jacking up inflation with lousy fiscal and economic policies as well as out-of-control spending, leave it to billionaire global corporatists — with the full backing of the Biden regime –to set us up for major food production shortages over the hoax of ‘human-caused climate change.’

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Globalist corporations begin seizing farmland in America under eminent domain, to halt food production in the name of fighting climate change Read More »