
ALOHA TYRANNY: Hawaii mulling use of digital coronavirus vaccine passport for travelers

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This article comes from ““ Authorities in the state of Hawaii are considering the use of a digital vaccine passport for incoming and outgoing travelers. They proposed the use of an app that shows a QR code, which can be scanned to find out if travelers have received their COVID-19 shots or not. Such a document would

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ALOHA TYRANNY: Hawaii mulling use of digital coronavirus vaccine passport for travelers Read More »


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David Icke has seen through the manipulation of society from the very beginning of this COVID19 “plandemic”. One of David’s best quotes is “Know The Outcome And You Will SEE The Journey“. Here is David discussing how the narrative around the vaccines and lockdowns keep changing in order to benefit the elites that are committing

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Vaccine Passports were the secret plan behind the totalitarian lockdowns all along

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This article comes from ““ CNN revealed the sinister plot behind the government’s continuous lock down policies. The tyrannical, controlling intent behind government lockdowns was revealed for all to see in a recent broadcast that featured disgraced anchor, Chris Cuomo, and former Planned Parenthood president, Dr. Leana Wen. “We need to make it clear to them (Americans) that

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Vaccine Passports were the secret plan behind the totalitarian lockdowns all along Read More »

The “Game Plan” Of What We Have Been Living In…

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There has been a 2017 document, made by “The John Hopkins Center For Health Security”, named “SPARS Pandemic Scenario 2025-2028”. Inside this 89 page document is a very detailed script of what we have been dealing with for the past year. Everything from what the media should say, to play by play scenarios regarding this

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The “Game Plan” Of What We Have Been Living In… Read More »

Former Pfizer scientist warns that governments and pharmaceutical companies will continue to deceive and enslave people before killing them off

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This article comes from ““ Dr. Michael Yeadon, Pfizer’s former Vice President and Chief Scientist for Allergy and Respiratory Disease, warns that governments will continue to deceive populations and lie to people about infectious disease diagnosis, transmission and risk. The government’s perpetual deceit and authoritarianism during the covid-19 scandal has been used to control, discriminate, oppress, harass,

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Former Pfizer scientist warns that governments and pharmaceutical companies will continue to deceive and enslave people before killing them off Read More »

Florida governor bans vaccine passports, as they create TWO CLASSES of citizens

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This article comes from ““ Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has signed an emergency order prohibiting vaccine passports in the state. The Republican governor explained that such passports were “completely unacceptable” as they create “two classes of citizens.” The April 2 mandate signed by DeSantis forbids state organizations or private businesses to demand customers show vaccine passports as

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Florida governor bans vaccine passports, as they create TWO CLASSES of citizens Read More »

Governments gearing up for global vaccine passport implementation as vaxxed sheeple gladly submit to medical tyranny

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This article comes from ““ Governments around the world are setting the stage for the global implementation of vaccine passports. President Joe Biden’s administration has reached out to the private sectors to coordinate their attempts to develop vaccine passports. The initiative follows Biden’s executive order in January directing agencies to assess the feasibility of creating a unified

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Governments gearing up for global vaccine passport implementation as vaxxed sheeple gladly submit to medical tyranny Read More »

If lockdowns and masks really are necessary to protect lives, then why isn’t everyone in Florida and Texas already DEAD?

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This article is from ““ Back when Florida, followed by Texas, first announced that lockdowns and face masks would no longer be “mandated” in order to “flatten the curve” of the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), the mainstream media and most Democrats pitched a fit about how people would soon be dropping dead in the streets. The

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If lockdowns and masks really are necessary to protect lives, then why isn’t everyone in Florida and Texas already DEAD? Read More »