The Great Reset


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Dr Carrie Madej is a true warrior that all should listen to and heed her warning. She is a doctor that clearly sees the evil that is being unleashed upon humanity and she is not afraid to speak the truth! Here is an excellent interview with her and SGT Report. It would be time well

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World Economic Forum pushing for Great Reset through a “cyber-attack with COVID-like characteristics”

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This article comes from ““ The World Economic Forum (WEF) is an international non-governmental organization supposedly dedicated to improving the world through business, politics and academia. Recently, it has been delving into the world of cybersecurity. In reality, the WEF is pushing for a Great Reset using a “cyber-attack with COVID-like characteristics.” The WEF has

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World Economic Forum pushing for Great Reset through a “cyber-attack with COVID-like characteristics” Read More »

Global Human Extermination Plan’s Second Phase Revealed

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Mike Adams joins Alex Jones live via Skype to reveal how the ‘COVID pandemic,’ along with future bio-warfare attacks, will be used to weaken the United States before a physical invasion where billions will perish and a communist world government will be established on the ruins of the world.

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Global Human Extermination Plan’s Second Phase Revealed Read More »

The Sand Is Running Out Of The Hour Glass…

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I am saddened everyday when I witness how so many people take literally everything for granted. From friends to family, so many seem like they have all the time in the world and that there is absolutely no need to seek out the truth to what kind of world is being created right before our

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The Sand Is Running Out Of The Hour Glass… Read More »

The Controlling Agenda 21 That Is Happening Now

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Agenda 21 is a global effort to basically have one power controlling everything on earth. It has been a goal that has been working for decades at it’s final outcome. It will not be a very pretty outcome for anyone who cares about their freedom. What is the answer to try and stop this? Sharing

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The Controlling Agenda 21 That Is Happening Now Read More »

“Implant Everyone On Earth With A Tracking Microchip” Says Klaus Schwab

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In a 2016 interview that’s now gaining national attention, Schwab, also the founder of the globalist Great Reset agenda, explained that within a decade humanity will be required to have implantable microchips to serve as a global health pass.

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“Implant Everyone On Earth With A Tracking Microchip” Says Klaus Schwab Read More »

Cyber-attack forces top U.S. fuel pipeline to shutter its entire network… are globalists behind the sabotage?

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This article comes from ““ The coordinated attacks on the 2020 U.S. election revealed just how lackadaisical and clueless America’s institutions have become in the face of crime, terrorism and war. The breakdown of the election system is just a glimpse of the greater collapse to come, in an America that has become so distracted

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Cyber-attack forces top U.S. fuel pipeline to shutter its entire network… are globalists behind the sabotage? Read More »