The Great Reset

Ruling Class Plans To “Fix” The Wealth Gap By Enslaving Everyone With CBDC

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From “” The ruling class often laments the “wealth gap”, which is strange considering they have given themselves permission to steal from the slave class. Now, they are using it as an excuse to inflict permanent slavery on the masses through the creation of a central bank digital currency, or CBDC. A new report by Legacy

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Ruling Class Plans To “Fix” The Wealth Gap By Enslaving Everyone With CBDC Read More »

John Kerry’s Daughter Orders Govt’s To Mass Euthanize BILLIONS of People Before 2030

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From “” John Kerry’s daughter has urged world governments to urgently ramp up the WEF’s propaganda so that members of the public are mentally prepared to witness the deaths of billions of human beings in the global elite’s great depopulation drive. Vanessa Kerry was speaking at a World Economic Forum panel to discuss the elite’s

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John Kerry’s Daughter Orders Govt’s To Mass Euthanize BILLIONS of People Before 2030 Read More »

WEF Demands ‘Urgent’ 86% Reduction in Human Population by 2030

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From “” The World Economic Forum (WEF) has urged government’s to reduce their populations by 86% “as a matter or urgency” in order to save planet and give the globalist elite a “higher standard of living.” The demand was made by WEF official Dennis Meadows, who argues that the massive depopulation drive can be achieved

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WEF Demands ‘Urgent’ 86% Reduction in Human Population by 2030 Read More »

SGT Report and Brighteon BLACK PILL America

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Here is Mike Adams, The Health Ranger, interviewing Sean from SGT Report. In this interview they basically layout the details and proof that America has been defeated from within for some time now and we are dealing with the aftermath of that invasion.

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SGT Report and Brighteon BLACK PILL America Read More »

UN Declares War on ‘Dangerous’ Conspiracy Theorists Who Are ‘Threatening Agenda 2030’

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From ““ The United Nations has declared war on conspiracy theories, describing the rise of conspiracy thinking as “worrying and dangerous,” while stating that conspiracy theories about Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum must be scrubbed from the internet, and the perpetrators behind the conspiracies must be silenced. The UN also warns that George Soros, the Rothschilds

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UN Declares War on ‘Dangerous’ Conspiracy Theorists Who Are ‘Threatening Agenda 2030’ Read More »

‘Sustainable’ Is The New Code Word For Genocide

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From “” People around the world are wising up about globalists’ plans, even in Australia. Many don’t understand the role played by Technocracy and Transhumanism, as described in my book “The Evil Twins”. However, this is a truism: When free speech is abolished and replaced by propaganda, genocide will show up as certainly as the sun

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‘Sustainable’ Is The New Code Word For Genocide Read More »

Quit Waiting For A Savior. We Are The Only Way Out Of This Tyranny

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Almost every person I talk to , who still trusts the mainstream media, always says “Trump will save us”, or “we need to elect the right people”. Such people do not realize that We The People are the only way out of this tyranny. They lack the courage to step up and speak the truth.

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Quit Waiting For A Savior. We Are The Only Way Out Of This Tyranny Read More »


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Deb Tavares joins SGT Reort for an exclusive 2-part interview, a dire warning for every man, woman and child in the Unites States which under banana Joe’s USA, Inc. is on track to usher in a UN Agenda 2030 hell scape of depopulation, FEMA camps and Hunger Games style “smart” cities. Please share this far

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