
Who Was Behind Operation Warp Speed? Congress, Biden & Obama Plotted Mass Bioweapon Scheme Years Ago

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It’s getting harder and harder to cover-up the effects of the bioweapon clotshot pushed on us by our tyrannical government. Karen Kingston reveals that all of this was a coordinated attack that was planned many years ago. (They speak about the “Smith Mundt Modernization Act of 2012” in this video.) (I still say that if

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Joe Biden Ordered Mar-a-Lago Raid, Court Docs Show

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This article comes from “” Puppet president had repeatedly denied any involvement in jackbooted FBI raid on Trump’s Florida resort: “None, zero, not one single bit.” Court documents prove raid was politically motivated operation to prevent Biden’s chief political rival from running for president in 2024. Despite repeated denials, Joe Biden ordered the FBI’s raid

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Joe Biden Ordered Mar-a-Lago Raid, Court Docs Show Read More »

“Enough Is Enough” The Pre-planned Event That Will Spill Blood In America

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If you wanted to create the highest level of CHAOS possible, how would you do it..? Back in 1995 there was a card game set made that was called “Illuminati New World Order”. This card set has been known for quite a while for it’s “coincidences”. There were many of these cards that portrayed certain

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“Enough Is Enough” The Pre-planned Event That Will Spill Blood In America Read More »

White House Calls Trump Supporters An ‘Extremist Threat’

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This article comes from “” White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on Wednesday branded supporters of former President Donald Trump an “extremist threat to our democracy.” “You know, the President thinks that there is an extremist threat to our democracy,” Jean-Pierre said. “The President has been clear as he can be on that particular piece.

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White House Calls Trump Supporters An ‘Extremist Threat’ Read More »

Lindsey Graham predicts widespread riots across America if Biden’s corrupt Justice Dept. indicts Trump

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This article comes from “” There has been a great deal of speculation that Joe Biden’s handlers instructed the Justice Department to send the FBI to raid former President Donald Trump’s home in an effort to find some evidence of a crime — anything — so he can be charged and put on trial. The deep state

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Lindsey Graham predicts widespread riots across America if Biden’s corrupt Justice Dept. indicts Trump Read More »

FBI Special Agent Who Launched Trump Probe Escorted Out Of Bureau HQ

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This article comes from “” Fed official transferred after whistleblower allegations of political bias, says Senator Chuck Grassley. Special Agent in Charge Tim Thibault had withheld biased sources of evidence when seeking approval for FBI raid of Mar-a-Lago. The lead FBI special agent who opened the investigation into Trump that led to the raid of

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FBI Special Agent Who Launched Trump Probe Escorted Out Of Bureau HQ Read More »