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The New World Order, The W.H.O., The W.E.F., and all of their puppets working throughout the government are not going to take their “boot of tyranny” off of neck as long as “We The People” are passively obeying all of their edicts. The takeover of the U.S. and other countries health sovereignty that is going […]

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2021 WHO & Gates Foundation Exercise Portrayed Global Monkeypox Pandemic Killing Millions

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This article comes from “infowars.com” A group called the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) partnered with the Munich Security Conference in March 2021 to engage in an exercise simulating how the world would react to an outbreak of monkeypox. Watch Alex Jones explain how Bill Gates predicted the next pandemic in the following show segment. The

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2021 WHO & Gates Foundation Exercise Portrayed Global Monkeypox Pandemic Killing Millions Read More »

Battle Plan For PSYWAR!

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The social engineers have launched a massive PSYWAR against the American people in their long awaited quest for total control and global domination.

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WHO unveils tyrannical amendments in the name of health emergency preparedness

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This article comes from “citizens.news” The World Health Organization (WHO) is set to vote on some amendments to global health regulations that will take away the sovereignty of member nations, including the United States – all in the name of health emergency preparedness. President Joe Biden and his administration are actually supporting these amendments that would essentially hand

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WHO unveils tyrannical amendments in the name of health emergency preparedness Read More »

Biden & UN “Health” Schemes are a Massive Deep State Power Grab

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Reprinted with permission from “TheNewAmerican.com.” Changes proposed by the Biden administration to the United Nations World Health Organization’s International Health Regulations are a massive and very dangerous power grab by the Deep State, warns The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. If successful, this would allow the WHO to

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Biden & UN “Health” Schemes are a Massive Deep State Power Grab Read More »

Pandemic Treaty Will Crush Sovereignty: Elected World Governments Prepare For Global Enslavement

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The Globalist World Health Organization is plotting a treaty that is the most dangerous thing that could happen to the world. The two party system in Australia is crumbling, and Maria Zee is doing everything she can to report on what is right. She joins The Stew Peters Show to discuss this and more. (Americans

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Pandemic Treaty Will Crush Sovereignty: Elected World Governments Prepare For Global Enslavement Read More »

Dr. Carrie Madej tells Ann Vandersteel: World leaders are behind the creation of abortion and sterilization vaccines

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This article comes from “citizens.news” Dr. Carrie Madej has accused world leaders of pushing the depopulation agenda by enabling the creation of vaccines that led to abortions and sterilizations. “Since 1972, the National Institutes of Health (NIH), World Health Organization (WHO) and other world leaders have been behind the abortion and sterilization vaccines. They developed the tetanus vaccine for that purpose.

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Dr. Carrie Madej tells Ann Vandersteel: World leaders are behind the creation of abortion and sterilization vaccines Read More »

Ukraine Becomes Hotspot for HIV+Covid Super Strain

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From “Deep State Satire” on banned.video We discover through local footage that the U.S.-backed AZOV Battalion in the Ukraine are keeping locals hostage and are preventing them from fleeing through Russia’s “humanitarian corridors,” which directly affects those who are seeking medical care, further exacerbating both Ukraine’s HIV epidemic and Covid situation. We also uncover the

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Ukraine Becomes Hotspot for HIV+Covid Super Strain Read More »