
Meanwhile, communist China is buying up America’s farmland

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This article comes from ““ Increasingly more American farmland is being bought up by non-Americans, including the communist Chinese who are reportedly swiping up as much as they can as quickly as possible. According to reports, congressional lawmakers are suddenly concerned about all this Chinese real estate activity, prompting members of both major political parties to pursue […]

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Meanwhile, communist China is buying up America’s farmland Read More »

Report says Chinese scientist filed for a coronavirus vaccine patent BEFORE the pandemic

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This article comes from ““ A report has revealed that a Chinese military scientist filed a patent for a Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine prior to the March 2020 pandemic. It stated that People’s Liberation Army (PLA) scientist Yusen Zhou filed the paperwork for the vaccine in February 2020 before he mysteriously died. The report’s revelation appeared to support emerging

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Report says Chinese scientist filed for a coronavirus vaccine patent BEFORE the pandemic Read More »

China is stealing your DNA with home ancestry kits

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This article comes from ““ At-home DNA testing kits have become all the rage as people seek to identify their ancestry. The only problem is that many of these companies are Chinese fronts that collect people’s genetic blueprints and use them for unknown purposes. During a recent hearing, Dr. Steven Quay explained how the process typically works.

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China is stealing your DNA with home ancestry kits Read More »

Once you realize the US government is an organized crime syndicate, everything makes sense

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This article comes from ““ Obama corrupted everything good within the U.S. government, finishing what the Clinton’s started. Joe Biden (essentially Obama’s third term) is the coup de grace. (Article by L Todd Wood republished from Axios released an article today detailing that half the unemployment aid issued over the past year was sent out of the

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Once you realize the US government is an organized crime syndicate, everything makes sense Read More »

With the CCP now controlling everything, Americans are living under foreign ENEMY occupation

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From “The Health Ranger” at Natural News This article comes from ““ What most people don’t yet understand is that they’re no longer living in “America.” What used to be America is now a nation under enemy occupation, ruled by authoritarian tyrants who were installed through election fraud and whose loyalty rests with the CCP

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With the CCP now controlling everything, Americans are living under foreign ENEMY occupation Read More »

Man sends lizard saliva to 23andMe for DNA testing, exposing total fraud of company’s claims of human ancestry

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To all of the people thinking that these “DNA Family History companies have your best interest in mind… This article comes from “” A man and his wife decided to test the accuracy of 23andMe’s at-home DNA testing kit by sending in a saliva sample collected from their pet lizard. What they found is that the

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Man sends lizard saliva to 23andMe for DNA testing, exposing total fraud of company’s claims of human ancestry Read More »


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This comes from ““ Whitney Webb is here to discuss her recent articles. One on the very alarming development in the US government war on its own people, and another regarding the aggressive government push toward a technocratic transhumanism future for the human race. We have discussed the agenda to alter human evolution using nanotechnology

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High-level Chinese defector has DIRT on US officials, including Joe and Hunter Biden

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This article comes from ““ When then-President Donald Trump first suggested early in the COVID-19 pandemic that the Wuhan coronavirus ‘may’ have originated in a lab in that city, it immediately made sense. First and foremost, Trump has seldom been proven wrong about the things he says, despite the fact that his usual detractors in the

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High-level Chinese defector has DIRT on US officials, including Joe and Hunter Biden Read More »

Google helped fund bioweapons development that led to the creation of covid-19

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This article comes from ““ Bioweapon research has been taking place for over a decade, and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and EcoHealth Alliance aren’t the only US institutions funding this unethical, highly controversial research in China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology. In fact, U.S. taxpayer money is also being funneled into bioweapons research through

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Google helped fund bioweapons development that led to the creation of covid-19 Read More »

Powerful video interviews of the week: Jeffrey Prather on national security and Mikki Willis on national healing

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This article comes from ““ Here are two very important videos from the week, featuring Jeffrey Prather discussing national security and Mikki Willis (creator of the Plandemic movie) on national healing. These two people occupy top positions on my list of people you want to pay attention to, offering expert analysis and thoughtful solutions for the problems

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Powerful video interviews of the week: Jeffrey Prather on national security and Mikki Willis on national healing Read More »