
Drone strikes to murder Americans who refuse spike protein shots? All non-vaxxers now labeled BIO-TERRORISTS by the Covid-vaccinated talking heads on MSNBC

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This article comes from “” First, it was the “War on Terror,” where every American was supposed to be terrified of those “evil do’ers” that took over airplanes and turned them into weapons of mass destruction, even though there’s not one single airport security video of any of the supposed 19 terrorists of 9/11. Now

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Drone strikes to murder Americans who refuse spike protein shots? All non-vaxxers now labeled BIO-TERRORISTS by the Covid-vaccinated talking heads on MSNBC Read More »

Media in Big Pharma’s pocket, attacks physicians who promote cheap, effective, early treatment options for COVID-19

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This article comes from “” America’s Frontline Doctors released the following statement in response to inaccurate and slanderous reporting by both Time Magazine and NBC News. (Article republished from When Covid-19 hit in March 2020, the formal recommendation from the United States government was to lock down and only come to the hospital if you

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Media in Big Pharma’s pocket, attacks physicians who promote cheap, effective, early treatment options for COVID-19 Read More »

America’s media-made “Covid Cult” so brainwashed they want people to DIE who refuse to wear a mask or vaccinate

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This article comes from “” The CDC director and top vaccine industry shill, Rochelle Walensky, has announced to America that if you are not vaccinated for China Flu then you should not travel during the Labor Day holiday, while 200 million Americans are suffering from compromised immunity due to the blood-clotting, spike protein bioweapon injections. No

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America’s media-made “Covid Cult” so brainwashed they want people to DIE who refuse to wear a mask or vaccinate Read More »

Same Rolling Stone magazine that FAKED campus rape story a few years back BUSTED with complete bullsh#t story claiming Oklahoma hospitals are filled with ivermectin-damaged patients

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This article comes from “”  No one is surprised anymore when a left-wing media outlet fabricates a story out of thin air and tries to publish it as “fact,” but when Rolling Stone completely fabricated a recent story trying to destroy ivermectin, it blew up in their faces in spectacular fashion. The original story falsely claimed that

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Same Rolling Stone magazine that FAKED campus rape story a few years back BUSTED with complete bullsh#t story claiming Oklahoma hospitals are filled with ivermectin-damaged patients Read More »


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Kate Dalley joins SGT Report to expose the lies coming from Rachel MadCOW, the mainstream whore media, the FDA, CDC and NIH. Dalley’s husband might not be alive today had Kate not intervened on his behalf and saved him from the hospital “protocols” which would have likely led to him being murdered by those paid

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FACT CHECK: The FDA first approved ivermectin for HUMANS back in 1996… media outlets are deliberately lying to the public

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This article comes from “” The mainstream media is lying on behalf of Big Pharma and the medical fascists by falsely claiming that ivermectin is a de-wormer for animals, when the reality is that the anti-parasite drug was first approved for human use back in 1996. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which is

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FACT CHECK: The FDA first approved ivermectin for HUMANS back in 1996… media outlets are deliberately lying to the public Read More »

Sean Penn says unvaccinated are not allowed to watch his movies… but hardly anyone is watching his movies anyway

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This article comes from “” Washed up Hollywood actor Sean Penn has declared that the only people allowed to see his new film “Flag Day” are those who obediently got “fully vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19). In a bizarre rant to CNN, Penn compared not getting vaccinated to “pointing a gun at people,” calling this ironic for

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Sean Penn says unvaccinated are not allowed to watch his movies… but hardly anyone is watching his movies anyway Read More »

Mainstream media, Biden administration collude to trick Americans into taking deadly COVID-19 “vaccines”

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This article comes from “”  The mainstream media and the Biden administration are apparently colluding to trick Americans into getting an experimental coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine. The scheme started with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granting full approval to Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine on Monday, Aug. 23. In its approval letter, the FDA acknowledged that there is “a significant

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Mainstream media, Biden administration collude to trick Americans into taking deadly COVID-19 “vaccines” Read More »