Social Engineering

CVS ‘Gender Transition’ Guide Requires Use Of Preferred Pronouns, Sharing Bathrooms

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This article comes from “” CVS has issued ‘gender transition guidelines’ which put employees on notice that people must be addressed by their preferred pronouns and names, and that they may use whichever restroom or locker room they wish, whether or not they identify as transgender, Fox Business reports. According to the guidelines, employees are notified that they may be […]

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Bill Gates, Johns Hopkins & WHO Conduct Another Pandemic Simulation With Deadlier Virus That Targets Children

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This article comes from “” Simulation involves virus from Brazil that has a higher fatality rate than COVID-19 and disproportionately affects children. The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, in partnership with the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, conducted another pandemic tabletop exercise in Brussels, Belgium, on October 23,

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Bill Gates, Johns Hopkins & WHO Conduct Another Pandemic Simulation With Deadlier Virus That Targets Children Read More »


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Be sure to go to ( to watch “Propaganda Exposed [Uncensored]. It premieres on 11-9-22. I have watched the original Propaganda Exposed and I am sure this one will be even better at exposing all of the propaganda that is used against humanity. Here is the trailer:

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Chinese Drone Barks Orders & Demands QR Code Scan At Checkpoint

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From “” Disturbing footage out of Communist China shows something out of dystopian films “THX 1138” or “1984” — coming to a town near you! Shocking video out of Communist China shows a drone hovering above a border checkpoint barking orders at motorists to scan the accompanying QR code attached to it. The video shows

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Chinese Drone Barks Orders & Demands QR Code Scan At Checkpoint Read More »

Bill Holter: The fourth Industrial Revolution is designed to depopulate the world

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This article comes from “” For precious metals expert Bill Holter, the Fourth Industrial Revolution is not just an artificial intelligence or AI takeover – it is designed to depopulate the world. “This Fourth Industrial Revolution as I perceive it is that AI is going to take over. There will be less need for human capital. So there

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Bill Holter: The fourth Industrial Revolution is designed to depopulate the world Read More »

Davos Guest Calls For ‘Recalibration’ of Freedom of Speech

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This article comes from “” A guest of the World Economic Forum’s annual summit in Davos called for a “recalibration” of freedom of speech to combat “online violence” and “increasing polarization.” “We are finding ourselves in a place where we have increasing polarization everywhere and everything feels binary when it doesn’t need to be,” Australia’s

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Davos Guest Calls For ‘Recalibration’ of Freedom of Speech Read More »