The Great reset

Ukraine is playing a vital role in the globalists’ Great Reset agenda

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This article comes from “” The conflict raging in Ukraine may be bringing about widespread devastation, but some observers are warning that we can’t lose sight of the fact that the country has also been implementing so many of the hallmarks of the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset. The case is laid out by Julian Schernthaner

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Ukraine is playing a vital role in the globalists’ Great Reset agenda Read More »

The Great Reset is The Great Con

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This article comes from “” More than a year ago, it was pointed out that you shouldn’t look for logic in trying to figure out why COVID necessitates The Great Reset. It’s a hustle, and not a very good one. The main PR grifter, Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum, points to the devastating

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The Great Reset is The Great Con Read More »