
Be Ready…

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Something is about to happen over the next few days. I hope your are stocked up and prepared. During this, I hope everyone reflects on how we should not take life or freedom for granted. Stay safe.

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Moderna Vaccine is an “operating system”…

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The Moderna vaccines are an “operating system” designed to program humans and hack their biological functions. These mRNA platforms are an “operating system” designed to program human beings and turn their cells into efficient drug delivery systems. The mRNA technology platform is similar to a computer operating system, the company admits. Once injected into humans, this program

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Moderna Vaccine is an “operating system”… Read More »

Information, Perception, and Behavior…

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Information received equals perception and that changes behavior. The media attempts to control the information being sent out to the masses and the tech giants censor the truth. That manipulates peoples perception of events and such, thereby changing society’s behavior. If people would stop watching mainstream news and seek their own information there would not

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Information, Perception, and Behavior… Read More »