Study Exposes Massive Life Expectancy Plunge for Covid-Vaxxed

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From “” A major peer-reviewed study has revealed that people who received Covid mRNA “vaccines” have significantly reduced their life expectancy. The explosive study was conducted by a team of leading Italian researchers led by Professor Marco Alessandria of the University of Turin. The bombshell findings of Prof. Alessandria and his team were published in the renowned […]

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Hospitals willingly subjected patients to deadly protocols during the pandemic to generate financial incentives from government

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This article comes from “” Testimonials from nurses who worked at hospitals during the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic have revealed that these healthcare institutions willingly subjected patients to deadly protocols and punished whistleblowers who spoke out against hospital treatment protocols. This is according to author Ken McCarthy, whose book “What the Nurses Saw” investigated what he called

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Hospitals willingly subjected patients to deadly protocols during the pandemic to generate financial incentives from government Read More »

Covid Exposed the Fall of Education Like Nothing Else

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From “” he Covid-19 virus attack actually had a single good side, along with its tragic costs. It is that if the K-12 schools had not abandoned in-person teaching and shifted to online computer and Zoom classes, parents would never have discovered that their children were being brainwashed. When that shift occurred, parents all over the

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Optogenetics and the Secret Worldwide Nanotech Experiment

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From Greg Reese Millions murdered and still no answers… Transcript of video: A peer reviewed study published last Friday documented 55 undeclared chemical elements which have been detected in the Covid gene therapy technology from brands Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, CanSino, Sinopharm and Sputnik V. Including several toxic elements such as Aluminum, Titanium, Arsenic, Lead, and

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Vaccine Scientist Admits Covid Shots Are Designed to ‘Sterilize’ the Public

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From “” A leading vaccine scientist who played a key role in the development of Covid shots has admitted that the injections are designed to “sterilize” the general public. The damming admission was made by Professor Sir John Bell, a key figure in the development of Oxford University‘s Covid “vaccine.” During a recent interview with UK TV

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Vaccine Scientist Admits Covid Shots Are Designed to ‘Sterilize’ the Public Read More »

Excess Child Deaths Surge 4,100% Since Covid Shot Rollout

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From “” Excess death rates among children have skyrocketed since Covid mRNA “vaccines” were rolled out for public use, official data shows. Data for excess mortality rates shows the number of all-cause deaths that is above the expected level. Excess deaths should only rise when something unusual has happened such as a war, pandemic, or

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CDC Withheld Evidence That mRNA Jabs Increase Risk of ‘Severe Myocarditis’

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From “” Pfizer and the CDC colluded to withhold evidence that proved Covid-19 mRNA jabs increased the risk of severe myocarditis in children, according to newly leaked documents. Confidential Pfizer documents leaked by Project Veritas show that the Big Pharma giant had “evidence that suggests patients who received a (COVID-19) vaccine are at an increased risk

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Japan to introduce self-amplifying mRNA COVID-19 vaccine with a 90% adverse event rate, and the U.S. is next in line

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This article comes from “” Pharmaceutical companies are exploiting populations year-after-year, fine tuning the name of illnesses annually and marketing new cures that only make people sicker. Beginning this fall, Japan will introduce a self-amplifying mRNA COVID-19 vaccine as part of its vaccination program for the 2024-2025 fall and winter seasons. The vaccine, Kostaive (ARCT-154), will be

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Japan to introduce self-amplifying mRNA COVID-19 vaccine with a 90% adverse event rate, and the U.S. is next in line Read More »

Walz’s Covid-19 Legacy

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From “” As a medical professional with over two decades of experience in laboratory science, I observed Governor Tim Walz’s handling of the 2020 Covid-19 crisis in Minnesota with increasing concern. What started as a reasonable two-week pause quickly evolved into a series of questionable policy decisions that contravened scientific reasoning, constitutional rights, and fiscal

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More Covid Shots = Less Immune System — Study

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This article comes from “” A study published in September indicated that repeated inoculation with mRNA Covid vaccinations reduce the functionality of the immune systems of old people. Infowars previously reported on a different study that indicated a similar phenomenon in children. “In conclusion, these findings show that, like younger individuals, older adults produce antibodies with reduced functional capacity upon repeated

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