The True Evil Behind America’s Mass School Shootings
How the Feds plan on killing the 2nd Amendment and destroying Individual Freedom.
The True Evil Behind America’s Mass School Shootings Read More »
How the Feds plan on killing the 2nd Amendment and destroying Individual Freedom.
The True Evil Behind America’s Mass School Shootings Read More »
This article comes from “” Knee-jerk support for the police helps gun control advocates by undermining the most fundamental reason for gun ownership: the government’s armed enforcers won’t keep us safe, and are likely to abuse their power. The Uvalde police have helped demonstrate, yet again, what has long been clear: when you’re facing a
Uvalde’s Biggest Mistake Was Trusting the Police to “Keep Us Safe” Read More »
This article comes from “” If Congress was serious about protecting liberty and security, they would pass Kentucky Representative Thomas Massie’s legislation repealing the ‘Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990.’ Expanding the police state to ‘monitor’ right-wing extremism and giving the government new powers to deny law-abiding individuals access to firearms make us less safe
Don’t Trade Real Liberty for Phony Security Read More »
This article comes from “” A “retired” federal agent “regularly communicated” with accused Buffalo gunman Payton Gendron in an online chatroom on Discord and authorities are investigating whether he had advanced knowledge of the attack, according to a report from The Buffalo News. From The Buffalo News, “Authorities investigating if retired federal agent knew of Buffalo
This article comes from “” The FBI’s fingerprints are all over the Buffalo mass shooting. A local news report from the Buffalo News has linked a retired federal agent to the shooting because he apparently knew about it at least 30 minutes before it occurred. The former agent, believed to be from Texas, is said to be under
Was the Buffalo shooter groomed by the FBI to commit mass murder? Read More »
Ted Nugent joins Alex Jones to give his take on the Uvalde school shooting as well as to respond to fellow musician Lee Greenwood’s refusal to play for this week’s NRA annual meeting.
Ted Nugent Defends NRA And Calls Out Active Shooter First Responders Read More »
This article comes from “” Elon Musk has spoken out in support of the Second Amendment and urged Americans to buy guns to protect against government tyranny. Musk told CNBC on Wednesday that gun ownership is “an important safeguard against potential tyranny of government.” Musk revealed that he is in favor of “background checks” for firearm sales and that he only
Elon Musk: Americans Must Buy Guns to Protect against Tyrannical Government Read More »
The Uvalde mass shooting in Texas was a tragedy. The law enforcements response to it was a tyranny. The fact that these officers stood by nearly an hour is pure cowardice. The “armed” officers were literally holding back parents that were willing to go in “unarmed” to rescue their children! (News Flash- if a person
DPS Chief Admits Officers Were Ordered To Stand Down In Uvalde Mass Shooting Read More »
This article comes from “” It’s now 100% clear that the Uvalde mass shooting was a “stand down operation,” meaning law enforcement was deliberately ordered to stand down so that the massacre could take place. The goal? Gun control, of course. “Uvalde police stood outside school while parents urged them to go inside during shooting,”
This article comes from “” Reports have emerged to suggest that police officers in Uvalde, Tex., where 18-year-old Salvador Ramos is said to have shot up an elementary school, stood around outside and did nothing to try to stop him while parents and witnesses urged the officers to go inside and take action. One woman could be