Social Engineering

Globalist death cult tells us what’s next: ‘NO internet, NO phone, NO power, NO food, NO going back to normal’

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This article comes from “” Back in August of 2022, Steve Quayle linked to a video on his website titled “The History of Predictive Programming In Film,” with Steve leaving an SQnote while linking to that video, “Very important topic based on the history of Hollywood’s ties to the intelligence industries.” (Article by Stefan Stanford republished from Breaking down for us […]

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Globalist death cult tells us what’s next: ‘NO internet, NO phone, NO power, NO food, NO going back to normal’ Read More »

How Propaganda Keeps The Sheep Grazing In Slavery…

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What is the foundation of your decision making? What underlying force influences your life goals? What determines what you will stand for? For me the answer is my principles and morals. Unfortunately we live in a world where so many peoples decisions are influenced by propaganda. So many are conformists instead of moralists. They are

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How Propaganda Keeps The Sheep Grazing In Slavery… Read More »

From climate zealotry to transgenderism, Trump worship and Christian Zionism, you are living in a world dominated by the groupthink of IRRATIONAL CULTS

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This article comes from “” Written by: Mike Adams You’re living in a world that’s run by cults. Almost everybody out there is a member of one cult or another. You have the climate cult, which somehow believes that carbon dioxide is bad for the planet, even though carbon dioxide is necessary for photosynthesis and

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From climate zealotry to transgenderism, Trump worship and Christian Zionism, you are living in a world dominated by the groupthink of IRRATIONAL CULTS Read More »

Bah Humbug: The Police State Wants Us To Be a Nation of Snowflakes

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This article was originally published by John W. Whitehead at The Rutherford Institution It has been republished with permission from the author. Please contact the author directly for republishing information. “This boy is Ignorance. This girl is Want. Beware them both, and all of their degree, but most of all beware this boy, for on

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Bah Humbug: The Police State Wants Us To Be a Nation of Snowflakes Read More »

The Left Is Using Apocalyptic Language To Describe What Will Happen To America If Donald Trump Wins In 2024

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From “” We haven’t ever seen anything like this before.  As we approach the 2024 presidential election, I am extremely alarmed by the apocalyptic language that is being employed by many on the left.  They are making all sorts of outrageous claims about how Donald Trump is a “fascist” that will become dictator for life

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The Left Is Using Apocalyptic Language To Describe What Will Happen To America If Donald Trump Wins In 2024 Read More »

Millions of people with natural immunity were given COVID jabs due to baseless CDC recommendations that lacked supporting data

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This article comes from “” After enduring the 2020 coronavirus pandemic, tens of millions of survivors who inevitably achieved natural immunity, were ultimately manipulated to take part in a series of unnecessary vaccine experiments. This is the conclusion of a new Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request that exposed the CDC’s recommendations as baseless and lacking underlying

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Millions of people with natural immunity were given COVID jabs due to baseless CDC recommendations that lacked supporting data Read More »

DEAR AMERICANS: “Inflation is YOUR Fault”

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Here is “Really Graceful” discussing the ever rising cost of living that is being inflated, all by design. She references an article titled “Inflation Is Your Fault” written by Annie Lowrey, who also wrote a book in 2018 titled “Give People Money: How a Universal Basic Income Would End Poverty, Revolutionize Work, and Remake the

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DEAR AMERICANS: “Inflation is YOUR Fault” Read More »