Social Engineering

Another Middle East Proxy War On Horizon: Media EXPLOITS Tragedy To Fan Flames Of War

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Ukraine war propaganda has been exposed but will Americans see through the inevitable lies of the Israeli/Palestine conflict?Timothy Gordon, Author of the book “Rules for Retrogrades”, joins The Stew Peters Show to talk about how Christians should view the latest calls for war in the Middle East.America is in a financial crisis, the border is […]

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Another Middle East Proxy War On Horizon: Media EXPLOITS Tragedy To Fan Flames Of War Read More »

Three World Wars to Usher in a One World Religion

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From Greg Reese The Illuminati Plan for 3 World Wars’ Transcript of video: The infamous Albert Pike Letter to Mazzini known as; The Illuminati Plan for 3 World Wars, was allegedly written by Albert Pike in 1871. The letter outlines a plan to foment three world wars in an attempt to take over the world.

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Three World Wars to Usher in a One World Religion Read More »

CNN Accused of Staging Wartime Reporting In Israel

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This article comes from “” Mainstream media news network CNN is being accused of fabricating their war reporting coming out of Israel, as the network has been shown to stage provocative stunts in the past. In one bizarre clip from a recent CNN on-the-ground report being picked apart online, an in-studio anchor throws to Chief

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CNN Accused of Staging Wartime Reporting In Israel Read More »

Tech firms developing and deploying AI that can deceptively MIMIC HUMAN BEHAVIOR

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This article comes from “” Technology companies are now developing and deploying artificial intelligence (AI) systems that deceptively mimic human behavior for a number of tasks. According to a report by the nonprofit consumer organization Public Citizen, such tasks include aggressively marketing products and services; dispensing dubious medical and mental health advice; and potentially ensnaring users in toxic

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Tech firms developing and deploying AI that can deceptively MIMIC HUMAN BEHAVIOR Read More »

John Kerry’s Daughter Orders Govt’s To Mass Euthanize BILLIONS of People Before 2030

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From “” John Kerry’s daughter has urged world governments to urgently ramp up the WEF’s propaganda so that members of the public are mentally prepared to witness the deaths of billions of human beings in the global elite’s great depopulation drive. Vanessa Kerry was speaking at a World Economic Forum panel to discuss the elite’s

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John Kerry’s Daughter Orders Govt’s To Mass Euthanize BILLIONS of People Before 2030 Read More »

WEF Confession: Water Crisis Will Succeed in Establishing World Government Where COVID & Climate Change Failed

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This article comes from “” A World Economic Forum contributor claimed that a coming water crisis will succeed in establishing a world government where the COVID plandemic and the climate change narratives failed. A clip from the WEF’s Davos meeting last year which received little attention at the time but is now going viral shows

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WEF Confession: Water Crisis Will Succeed in Establishing World Government Where COVID & Climate Change Failed Read More »

SGT Report and Brighteon BLACK PILL America

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Here is Mike Adams, The Health Ranger, interviewing Sean from SGT Report. In this interview they basically layout the details and proof that America has been defeated from within for some time now and we are dealing with the aftermath of that invasion.

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SGT Report and Brighteon BLACK PILL America Read More »

UN Declares War on ‘Dangerous’ Conspiracy Theorists Who Are ‘Threatening Agenda 2030’

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From ““ The United Nations has declared war on conspiracy theories, describing the rise of conspiracy thinking as “worrying and dangerous,” while stating that conspiracy theories about Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum must be scrubbed from the internet, and the perpetrators behind the conspiracies must be silenced. The UN also warns that George Soros, the Rothschilds

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UN Declares War on ‘Dangerous’ Conspiracy Theorists Who Are ‘Threatening Agenda 2030’ Read More »

FASCISM RUN AMOK: Canadian libraries engaging in mass BOOK BURNINGS to purge history and truth from people’s minds

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This article comes from “” A strange phenomenon is taking place in Canada where books at public schools and libraries are disappearing. CBC Investigates published a report about the matter, explaining that all books published in 2008 or earlier are being “burned,” so to speak, because they do not meet the Justin Trudeau regime’s new “equity-based” process for public

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FASCISM RUN AMOK: Canadian libraries engaging in mass BOOK BURNINGS to purge history and truth from people’s minds Read More »
