
The left knew they were lying to us all along

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This article comes from “” For years, the left has advanced utter untruths for cheap partisan purposes that it knew at the time were all false. And now when caught, they just shrug and say they were lying all along. (Article republished from Once it was known that the first COVID-19 case originated in or […]

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The left knew they were lying to us all along Read More »

‘The Daily Show’ Celebrates Destructive, Violent Anti-Musk Protests As Audience Cheers

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From “” It’s hardly surprising to see one of the rotating hosts of Comedy Central’s “The Daily Show” taking cheap shots at the Trump administration or conservatives in general. But even by its already low standards, one recent segment has been criticized as dangerously divisive. Not only did Jordan Klepper attempt to make a case

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‘The Daily Show’ Celebrates Destructive, Violent Anti-Musk Protests As Audience Cheers Read More »

10 Signs That A Significant Portion Of Our Population Has Gone Nuts

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This article comes from “” Have you noticed that people around you are behaving more erratically?  These days, you just never know what is going to set someone off.  A person may seem relatively normal, but then the moment you express an opinion that they don’t like they totally lose it.  It is almost as

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10 Signs That A Significant Portion Of Our Population Has Gone Nuts Read More »

“Project Human Extinction” unveils the hidden forces shaping humanity

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This article comes from “” Chris Thomas and Dave Morgan’s “Project Human Extinction: The Ultimate Conspiracy” is a groundbreaking exploration of the Illuminati and the hidden forces that have shaped human history for centuries. Far from being a simple conspiracy theory, the book delves into the complex evolution of the Illuminati, from its origins as the

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“Project Human Extinction” unveils the hidden forces shaping humanity Read More »

20 Facts That Will Make You Really Mad If You Stop And Think About Them For A While

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This article comes from “” Why is it that almost every statistic indicates that things have been getting worse in recent years?  Our society has been deteriorating physically, mentally, emotionally, financially and spiritually.  It is time to admit how far we have fallen.  If we continue to insist that we are doing the right things, we will

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20 Facts That Will Make You Really Mad If You Stop And Think About Them For A While Read More »

FBI warns of surging road toll text scams

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This article comes from “” The FBI is sounding the alarm on a surge in scam text messages targeting drivers across the U.S., warning Americans not to fall for fraudulent road toll collection alerts. In the past month alone, the agency has received over 2,000 complaints about these so-called “smishing” scams, which impersonate state toll

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FBI warns of surging road toll text scams Read More »

The phrase “conspiracy theory” needs to be changed to “logical assumption” since nearly every single one has been proven true over the past 25 years

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This article comes from “” On September 11th, 2001, two drone planes crashed into (three?) different skyscrapers and brought them all down demolition-style into their own footprint, and anyone who questioned the narrative or had video footage contending this was labeled a conspiracy theorist. The third building, building 7, was announced by BBC (British television)

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The phrase “conspiracy theory” needs to be changed to “logical assumption” since nearly every single one has been proven true over the past 25 years Read More »

Radical liberal judge rules taxpayers have to fund sex-change operation for baby-murdering inmate

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From “” INDIANAPOLIS, IN- Another radical in a black robe has inserted himself into the culture wars after he ordered the Indiana Department of Correction to provide sex reassignment surgery to a monster who “identifies” as a woman serving a prison sentence for murdering an 11-month-old baby, The Gateway Pundit reports.  The inmate, Jonathan Richardson, is now

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Radical liberal judge rules taxpayers have to fund sex-change operation for baby-murdering inmate Read More »

“Generation RX”: The pharmaceutical revolution and its profound impact on American society

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This article comes from “” In an era where the typical medicine cabinet has evolved from a modest fixture to a “triple-wide” marvel, the numbers tell a compelling story of America’s growing reliance on prescription drugs. According to Greg Critser’s book, “Generation Rx: How Prescription Drugs Are Altering American Lives, Minds and Bodies,” the annual

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“Generation RX”: The pharmaceutical revolution and its profound impact on American society Read More »

Reddit cracking down on violent rhetoric could pave the way for INTERNET REAL ID, ending online anonymity

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This article comes from “” In a chilling prediction that has sent shockwaves through the online community, popular streamer Asmongold has warned that the rampant violent threats on Reddit could serve as the catalyst for a government-mandated Internet Real ID system. This system, he argues, would strip away online anonymity, allowing globalist entities to surveil and

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Reddit cracking down on violent rhetoric could pave the way for INTERNET REAL ID, ending online anonymity Read More »