
VACCIDENT ALERT: Vehicle accidents caused by vaccine side effects happening all over US roads and highways

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This article comes from ““ If you’ve noticed the mayhem on US roads lately, you’re not the only one. People are driving like maniacs, cutting people out of their lane, swerving, speeding, running red lights, texting while driving and causing horrible wrecks. Besides being brainwashed by the media, more than 50 percent of all drivers

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VACCIDENT ALERT: Vehicle accidents caused by vaccine side effects happening all over US roads and highways Read More »

If No Action Comes From What You Learn, Then What’s The Point Of It All?

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If you learn about all of the tyranny that is being waged upon humanity and you simply continue life as you have been, then what was the point of learning about it? The next step after waking up, to all of the illusions being used to manipulate you, is to spread that knowledge to as

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If No Action Comes From What You Learn, Then What’s The Point Of It All? Read More »

5 DUMBEST things Americans are doing that make themselves more susceptible to catching and maybe dying from the upcoming Covid-19 virus mutations

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This article comes from ““ The science is in folks. Covid-19 masks are causing bacterial infections and loss of oxygen intake, resulting in fewer nutrients being delivered throughout the human body. This is directly affecting immune function for the worse. Social distancing is a total failure as a strategy for avoiding Covid-19. As it turns out, social

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5 DUMBEST things Americans are doing that make themselves more susceptible to catching and maybe dying from the upcoming Covid-19 virus mutations Read More »

The “Game Plan” Of What We Have Been Living In…

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There has been a 2017 document, made by “The John Hopkins Center For Health Security”, named “SPARS Pandemic Scenario 2025-2028”. Inside this 89 page document is a very detailed script of what we have been dealing with for the past year. Everything from what the media should say, to play by play scenarios regarding this

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The “Game Plan” Of What We Have Been Living In… Read More »

These corporations need to be boycotted for supporting election fraud

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This article comes from ““ More than 100 companies, including Twitter, Zillow, and Uber, have issued a joint statement expressing “worry” about a new law passed in Georgia that aims to prevent the type of election fraud that occurred in 2020. According to these companies – which should all be boycotted, by the way – putting protections

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These corporations need to be boycotted for supporting election fraud Read More »

The Elite And Politicians Are Not Gods, So Stop Worshipping Them…

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It amazes me that so many people think that politicians are their rulers and that they must bow to them and their demands. Here’s a reminder for those people: the politicians work for YOU. People that are indoctrinated to be ruled need to be shown that they are the ones that are in control of

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The Elite And Politicians Are Not Gods, So Stop Worshipping Them… Read More »

Lil Nas X releases “Satan Shoes” that mock God, contain human blood

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This article comes from ““ In celebration of his queerness, rapper Lil Nas X teamed up with Brooklyn-based streetwear company MSCHF to release a new pair of limited edition “Satan Shoes” that bear a pentagram, an inverted cross, the scripture verse Luke 10:18, and one “drop of human blood” in the air pouch. Scheduled to coincide with

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Lil Nas X releases “Satan Shoes” that mock God, contain human blood Read More »

The Cold Hard Truth…

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Most people that I have come across in life do not appreciate the truth. To them the truth hurts too much. It seems as if America has created a society that wants to be in a “safety bubble” at all times. Even men have gotten to the point that they want everything “sugar coated”. When

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The Cold Hard Truth… Read More »

Hyperinflation begins: Supplies of everything are running short as prices soar…

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This article comes from ““ The Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) is over, even if the fake news media refuses to accept reality. The devastating economic repercussions of the government’s engineered response to it, however, are far from over. All across the spectrum in nearly every economic sector, shortages are plaguing the supply chain. This is exacerbating an already inflationary environment

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Hyperinflation begins: Supplies of everything are running short as prices soar… Read More »