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Biden to drive final nail in U.S. electricity grid, orders power plants to cut carbon emissions by 90% or get shut down

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This article comes from “” Over the next 12 to 17 years, the Biden regime wants to eliminate the United States power grid as we currently know it in order to stop greenhouse gas “pollution.” The goal is to slash 90 percent of all power plants that produce energy from earth-based fuels such as coal, oil, […]

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Biden to drive final nail in U.S. electricity grid, orders power plants to cut carbon emissions by 90% or get shut down Read More »

Texas Senate Passes Legislation Banning ‘Hostile Foreign Nations’ From Buying Farmland

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This article comes from “” China, Russia, North Korea and Iran prohibited from purchasing Texas farmland, oil and gas, rare earth materials and timber. The Texas state senate passed legislation this week banning the purchase of farmland by citizens and entities linked to hostile foreign nations, a move which the author of the bill says will provide

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Texas Senate Passes Legislation Banning ‘Hostile Foreign Nations’ From Buying Farmland Read More »

The electric everything push will collapse the grid by 2030, research suggests

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This article comes from “” A major component of Agenda 2030 involves converting a majority of the nation’s energy use to electricity. Electric-powered cars and appliances are “cleaner” for the environment, we are told – except for the fact that this is a lie. Not only is electricity no cleaner than earth-based fuels like coal and

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The electric everything push will collapse the grid by 2030, research suggests Read More »

‘Water is Not a Human Right’: WEF Orders Govt’s To Begin Rationing Water Into Homes

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From “” As you are no doubt aware, the global elite are making moves to have people “own nothing and be happy.” The world will be controlled by an authoritarian one-world government and humanity, according to Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum, will be enslaved in a totalitarian system featuring mass surveillance, mandatory vaccinations and

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‘Water is Not a Human Right’: WEF Orders Govt’s To Begin Rationing Water Into Homes Read More »

Lunatic Democrats are coming for your gas stations: Climate cultists ban their existence in left-leaning cities

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This article comes from “” If federal, state, and local Democrat-run governments can’t force you to buy an electric vehicle (powered by fossil-fuel-burning power plants with battery elements that are mined by black children in Africa working for pennies a day), they will simply take away your ability to put fuel in your gas- and

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Lunatic Democrats are coming for your gas stations: Climate cultists ban their existence in left-leaning cities Read More »

Biden’s declaration of war against oil, gas meant to destroy economy of major red state: Texas

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This article comes from “”  President Joe Biden’s handlers want to see America fall from its position as the world’s preeminent power, for some reason — whether it’s because they hate our country or Western civilization in general or because they are part of a small group of global elite who see America as the

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Biden’s declaration of war against oil, gas meant to destroy economy of major red state: Texas Read More »

They Are Defeating Us Without Firing A Single Shot…

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I have found that the majority of Americans do not understand how war strategy evolves. They still believe that to be in a war, there has to be bullets flying by, bombs going off, aircraft shooting, and so on. They fail to realize that in, fifth generational warfare, the enemy can be defeated from within,

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They Are Defeating Us Without Firing A Single Shot… Read More »

Communists Planning FOOD CRISIS! Podesta Predicts FAMINE, Installed As Biden’s Climate Czar

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Disturbing images of dead fish washing up on the shores of Argentina is fueling speculation that a planned food shortage is coming.Clayton Llewellyn joins The Stew Peters Show to explain how all of these disasters are ultimately about controlling the food supply.First, the globalists have taken control of our energy supply with their war on

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Communists Planning FOOD CRISIS! Podesta Predicts FAMINE, Installed As Biden’s Climate Czar Read More »

They’re Telling Us What Comes Next — And It’s Far WORSE Than Covid

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This article comes from “” WEF and WHO openly broadcasting warnings about a complete collapse of the grid from a cyberattack. The World Economic Forum is warning of a new crisis that’s “even more significant economic and social implications than COVID19.” What threat could possibly be more significant? Joining to discuss the greatest threat to

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They’re Telling Us What Comes Next — And It’s Far WORSE Than Covid Read More »