
“Woke” Does Not Mean “Awake”…

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The name of my website is “Wake Up Sheeple”. That certainly does not mean I promote “wokeness”. I am trying to “wake” the “wokies”. The ones who see everything through a lens of “inversion” where everything that is up is down, everything left is right, and so on. The “wokies” are pushing the agenda that […]

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“Woke” Does Not Mean “Awake”… Read More »

Here’s why “wokies” (leftists) no longer qualify as HUMAN… and are devolving into a life form with less sense than fire ants or bacteria…

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This article comes from “afinalwarning.com“ If you were to try to categorize the intelligence and neurological complexity of “wokies” (Leftists), you would have to compare them with the intelligent behavior of other life forms on planet Earth. When I tried to do that recently, I realized that wokies no longer qualify as human, as they

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Here’s why “wokies” (leftists) no longer qualify as HUMAN… and are devolving into a life form with less sense than fire ants or bacteria… Read More »