Mask Wearing

Lunacy: States banning mask mandates over respect for civil rights could face lawsuits from Biden DOJ… for ‘civil rights violations’

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This article comes from “” The Biden regime and Democrats, in general, are no longer hiding it: They are the party of rigid authoritarianism operating under a facade of ‘constitutionalism’ and they are hell-bent on imposing their will in a way our founders rebelled against when England’s king did it. Red states around the country have had […]

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Lunacy: States banning mask mandates over respect for civil rights could face lawsuits from Biden DOJ… for ‘civil rights violations’ Read More »

Exhaustive overview of published science shows that masks are worthless against covid

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This article comes from “” On Feb. 29, 2020, then-surgeon general Jerome Adams told the world to stop buying face masks for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) because they are “NOT effective in preventing general public from catching #Coronavirus.” It has been a year and a half since that tweet, and the science has only confirmed that Adams

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Exhaustive overview of published science shows that masks are worthless against covid Read More »

Georgia bars local governments from imposing mask and vaccine mandates

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This article comes from “” Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp on Thursday, Aug. 19, signed an executive order that prohibits local governments from ordering businesses to adopt mask or coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine mandates. The executive order bars local officials from mandating the orders, but allows private businesses to require masks or vaccines if they want to. Kemp told

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Georgia bars local governments from imposing mask and vaccine mandates Read More »

Texas Supreme Court just ruled that mask mandates are ILLEGAL statewide

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This article comes from “” Mask mandates have been ruled illegal in Texas, but that is not stopping some defiant public school districts from mandating them anyway. Bexar County (San Antonio) and Dallas County are both forcing schoolchildren to cover their nose and mouth with Chinese plastic in order to “flatten the curve” of the “Delta” variant,

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Texas Supreme Court just ruled that mask mandates are ILLEGAL statewide Read More »


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Dr Carrie Madej is a true warrior that all should listen to and heed her warning. She is a doctor that clearly sees the evil that is being unleashed upon humanity and she is not afraid to speak the truth! Here is an excellent interview with her and SGT Report. It would be time well

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BUSTED: Arnold Schwarzenegger Caught MASKLESS After Saying “Screw Your Freedoms”

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This article comes from “” Earlier this week, Arnold Schwarzenegger said “screw your freedoms” to anyone who didn’t want to wear a mask or inject their bodies with an experimental vaccine. He also called these freedom-lovers a bunch of “schmucks”. Well, as fate would have it, the radical left-wing celebrity was caught MASKLESS in Beverly Hills, CA

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BUSTED: Arnold Schwarzenegger Caught MASKLESS After Saying “Screw Your Freedoms” Read More »